
Comprehensive Guide to MongoDB db.collection.deleteMany Method

Understanding db.collection.deleteMany() in MongoDB

The db.collection.deleteMany() method is used to delete multiple documents from a MongoDB collection that match a given filter. If no filter is provided, all documents in the collection will be deleted. This method is ideal for batch deletions where multiple records meet specific criteria.


      writeConcern: <document>,
      collation: <document>


Parameter Type Description
filter Document A query document specifying the criteria for documents to delete. To delete all documents, use an empty document {}.
writeConcern Document (Optional) Specifies the level of acknowledgment requested from the server for the write operation. Example: { w: 1, j: true }.
collation Document (Optional) Allows for locale-specific string comparisons, such as case sensitivity. Example: { locale: "en", strength: 2 }.
hint Document or String (Optional) Specifies the index to use for the delete operation. Example: { field1: 1 } or "field1_1".


Time Series Collections

db.collection.deleteMany() throws a WriteError exception if used on a time series collection. To remove all documents from a time series collection, use db.collection.drop().

Delete a Single Document

To delete a single document, use db.collection.deleteOne() instead.

Alternatively, use a field that is a part of a unique index such as _id.


db.collection.deleteMany() can be used inside distributed transactions.

Do not explicitly set the write concern for the operation if run in a transaction. To use write concern with transactions, see Transactions and Write Concern.


Delete All Documents Matching a Condition


// Delete all documents where the 'status' field is 'inactive'
   { status: "inactive" } // Filter: Match all documents with status 'inactive'


  • The filter { status: "inactive" } matches all documents with the status field set to "inactive".
  • All matching documents are deleted.

Delete All Documents in a Collection


// Delete all documents from the 'users' collection


  • The empty filter {} selects all documents in the users collection for deletion.
  • Use this operation with caution as it clears the collection.

Delete Documents Using Collation for Case Insensitivity


// Delete all documents with case-insensitive matching
   { category: "electronics" }, // Filter: Match all documents with category 'electronics'
      collation: { locale: "en", strength: 2 } // Collation: Case-insensitive comparison


  • The collation { locale: "en", strength: 2 } ensures case-insensitive matching, treating "Electronics" and "electronics" as equal.

Specify Write Concern for the Operation


// Delete all documents with specific write concern
   { orderStatus: "cancelled" }, // Filter: Match all cancelled orders
      writeConcern: { w: 1, j: true } // WriteConcern: Acknowledge the write and ensure journaling


  • The writeConcern parameter ensures that the deletion is acknowledged and journaled.

Delete Documents Using an Index Hint


// Use a specific index for the delete operation
   { timestamp: { $lt: new Date("2023-01-01") } }, // Filter: Match logs before a specific date
      hint: { timestamp: 1 } // Hint: Use the 'timestamp' index


  • The hint parameter specifies the use of the timestamp index to optimize the delete operation.

Returned Output

The db.collection.deleteMany() method returns a document that indicates the outcome of the operation.

   acknowledged: true, // Indicates if the write was acknowledged
   deletedCount: 5     // Number of documents deleted

Use Cases

    1. Batch Cleanup

    • Remove outdated or invalid records from a collection.

    2. Archival of Data

    • Delete old logs or historical data beyond a certain date range.

    3. Data Reset

    • Clear specific data for reinitialization while retaining the collection structure.

    4. Bulk Operations in Transactions

    • Combine multiple deleteMany operations within a transaction for consistency.

Error Scenarios

No Matching Documents Found


   { category: "nonexistent" } // Filter: No documents match this category


   acknowledged: true,
   deletedCount: 0 // No documents were deleted

Invalid Filter Syntax

   { $invalidOperator: "value" } // Invalid filter


Error: unknown operator $invalidOperator


  • Verify the filter syntax and use valid MongoDB query operators.

Best Practices

    1. Use Specific Filters

    • Avoid an empty filter ({}) unless you intend to delete all documents in the collection.

    2. Enable Journaling for Critical Deletions

    • Set writeConcern: { j: true } to ensure the deletion is safely logged in the journal.

    3. Test Filters Before Deleting

    • Use a find() query to preview the documents that match the filter criteria.

    4. Leverage Index Hints for Performance

    • Use the hint parameter to optimize performance for large datasets.

    5. Use Collation for Locale-Specific Matching

    • Apply collation to handle case-insensitive or language-aware comparisons.

Comparison with Related Methods

Method Description
deleteOne Deletes a single document matching the filter.
deleteMany Deletes all documents matching the filter.
findOneAndDelete Finds a single document matching the filter, deletes it, and returns the deleted document.

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