Kotlin Object-Oriented Programming: Exercises, Practice, Solutions
Kotlin Object-oriented programming Exercises [ 7 exercises with solution ]
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1. Write a Kotlin object-oriented program that creates a base class Shape and derives subclasses Circle, Rectangle, and Triangle. Implement appropriate methods in each class and demonstrate polymorphism.
2. Write a Kotlin object-oriented program that implements a singleton pattern for a class Logger to provide logging functionality throughout the application.
3. Write a Kotlin object-oriented program that creates a sealed class Result with subclasses Success and Error to represent the result of an operation. Use pattern matching to handle different result types.
4. Write a Kotlin object-oriented program that implements the decorator pattern by creating a base class Component and decorator classes BoldDecorator and ItalicDecorator to modify the behavior of the component.
5. Write a Kotlin object-oriented program that implements the factory method pattern by creating an abstract class Animal with subclasses Tiger and Lion. Use a factory class to create instances of animals based on user input.
6. Write a Kotlin object-oriented program that creates an interface Observable with methods subscribe and unsubscribe. Implement it in a class Publisher to allow objects to subscribe and unsubscribe from events.
7. Write a Kotlin object-oriented program that implements the composite pattern by creating a base class Component and composite classes CompositeComponent and BranchComponent to represent a hierarchical structure.
More to Come !
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