
JavaScript: typeof operator

JavaScript Type Checking

The typeof operator is used to get the data type (returns a string) of its operand. The operand can be either a literal or a data structure such as a variable, a function, or an object. The operator returns the data type.


typeof operand
typeof (operand)

There are six possible values that typeof returns: object, boolean, function, number, string, and undefined. The following table summarizes possible values returned by the typeof operator.

Type of the operand Result
Object "object"
boolean "boolean"
function "function"
number "number"
string "string"
undefined "undefined"

Examples of typeof operator: string


> typeof ""
> typeof "abc"
> typeof (typeof 1)

Examples of typeof operator: number


> typeof 17
> typeof -14.56
> typeof 4E-3
> typeof Infinity
> typeof Math.LN2
> typeof NaN

Examples of typeof operator: boolean


> typeof false
> typeof true

Examples of typeof operator: function


> typeof Math.tan
>typeof function(){}

Examples of typeof operator: object


> typeof {a:1}
> typeof new Date()
> typeof null
> typeof /a-z/
> typeof Math
> typeof JSON

Examples of typeof operator: undefined


> typeof undefined
> typeof abc

More examples on typeof operator

typeof(4+7);  //returns number
typeof("4"+"7"); //returns string
typeof(4*"7"); //returns number
typeof(4+"7"); //returns string

What is the difference between typeof myvar and typeof(myvar) in JavaScript?

There is absolutely no difference between typeof myvar and typeof(myvar). The output of the following codes will be same i.e. "undefined".

alert(typeof myvar);


How to detect an undefined object property in JavaScript?

The following method is the best way to detect an undefined object property in JavaScript.

if (typeof xyz === "undefined")
     alert("xyz is undefined");

How to check whether a variable is defined in JavaScript or not?

The following method is the best way to detect an undefined object property in JavaScript.

if (typeof xyz === "undefined")
     alert("xyz is undefined");
if (typeof xyz === "undefined")
  alert("Varaible is undefined");
  alert("Variable is defined"); 

The following example tests the data type of variables.

JS Code

var index = 8;
  var result = (typeof index === 'number');
  // Output: true
var description = "w3resource";
  var result = (typeof description === 'string');
  // Output: true

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