Java Currency Class: getDefaultFractionDigits() Method
public int getDefaultFractionDigits()
The getDefaultFractionDigits() method is used to get the default number of fraction digits used with a given currency.
For example, the default number of fraction digits for the Euro is 2, while for the Japanese Yen it's 0. In the case of pseudo-currencies, such as IMF Special Drawing Rights, -1 is returned.
Package: java.util
Java Platform: Java SE 8
getDefaultFractionDigits()Return Value:
The default number of fraction digits used with this currency
Return Value Type: int
Example:Java Currency class: getDefaultFractionDigits() Method
import java.util.*;
public class Main {
public static void main(String args[]) {
// create 2 currencies (Japan Yen and United States Dollar)
Currency cur1 = Currency.getInstance("JPY");
Currency cur2 = Currency.getInstance("USD");
// Print their fraction digits
int dg1 = cur1.getDefaultFractionDigits();
System.out.println("JPY fraction digits: " + dg1);
int dg2 = cur2.getDefaultFractionDigits();
System.out.println("USD fraction digits: " + dg2);
JPY fraction digits: 0 USD fraction digits: 2
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