Java: Check a string follows a specified pattern
String Follows Pattern
Write a Java program to check if a string follows a given pattern.
Example pattern:
Given pattern = "xyyx", str = "red black black red", return true.
Given pattern = "xyyx", str = "red black black green", return false.
Given pattern = "xxxx", str = "red black black red", return false.
Given pattern = "xxxx", str = "red red red red", return true.
Visual Presentation:
Sample Solution:
Java Code:
// Import Scanner and Map classes from java.util package for user input and data storage
import java.util.*;
// Main class for the solution
public class Solution {
// Main method to execute the solution
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Sample input strings for testing word pattern matching
String str = "red black black red";
// String str = "red red red red";
String pattern = "xyxx";
// String pattern = "xxxx";
// Display the result of the word_Pattern_Match function
System.out.print("Is the string and pattern matched? " + word_Pattern_Match(pattern, str));
// Function to check if a given string follows a given word pattern
public static boolean word_Pattern_Match(String pattern, String str) {
// Convert the pattern string to an array of characters
char[] word_pattern = pattern.toCharArray();
// Split the input string into an array of words using space as a delimiter
String[] words = str.split(" ");
// Create a HashMap to store the mapping between characters and words
Map map = new HashMap<>();
// Create a HashSet to check for duplicate mappings
Set set = new HashSet<>();
// Iterate through the characters in the pattern
for (int i = 0; i < word_pattern.length; i++) {
// Check if the character is already mapped
if (map.containsKey(word_pattern[i])) {
// Check if the mapped word is different from the current word in the array
if (!map.get(word_pattern[i]).equals(words[i])) {
return false;
// Check if the current word is already mapped to another character
if (set.contains(words[i])) {
return false;
// Add the mapping between the character and the current word to the HashMap
map.put(word_pattern[i], words[i]);
// Add the current word to the HashSet to mark it as used
// If all conditions are satisfied, return true
return true;
Sample Output:
Is the string and pattern matched? false

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- Write a Java program to check if a string matches a pattern that includes wildcard characters like '*' and '?'.
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- Write a Java program to verify if a string conforms to a pattern that includes repeated groups of characters.
- Write a Java program to perform a case-insensitive pattern matching check on a given string.
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