CSS background properties
CSS background properties specify how to set styles (like set an image, set color etc.) for the background of an HTML element or an HTML web-page.
List CSS background properties
- CSS background-color property sets a background color of an HTML element or an entire HTML page
- CSS background-image property sets an image in the background of an HTML element or an entire HTML page
- CSS background-repeat property repeats an image in the background of an HTML element or an entire HTML page, either in the horizontal or in the vertical direction.
- CSS background-attachment property specifies whether an image in the background of an HTML element or an entire HTML page, is fixed or scrolls along with the viewable area.
- CSS background-position property specifies the initial position of an image in the background of an HTML element or an entire HTML page.
- CSS background-position property specifies the initial position of an image in the background of an HTML element or an entire HTML page.
- CSS background property can be used to set all the properties mentioned above with a single property. This kind of a use is referred as CSS shorthand property.
In the next page, we have discussed CSS background-color property.
Previous: CSS pseudo elements
CSS background color properties
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