
C - strxfrm() function

C strxfrm() function - String transformation


size_t strxfrm(char *string1, const char *string2, size_t count)

The strxfrm() function is used to transform the string pointed to by string2 and places the result into the string pointed to by string1. The transformation is determined by the program's current locale.


Name Description Required /Optional
string1 Destination string. Required
string2 Source string. Required
count Maximum number of characters to place in string1.. Required

Return value from strxfrm()

  • This function returns the length of the transformed string, not including the terminating null-character.

Example: strxfrm() function

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(void)
   char *string1, buffer[80];
   int length;
   printf("Length of the array is 80 where you input a string:");
   printf("\n\nInput a string of characters:\n");
   string1 = gets(buffer);
   length = strxfrm(NULL, string1, 0);
   printf("\nThis would require %d element array to hold the string.",length);


Length of the array is 80 where you input a string:

Input a string of characters:
C Programming

This would require 13 element array to hold the string.

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