
C strtod() function

C strtod() function - Convert strings to a double-precision value

Syntax strtod() function

double strtod(const char *str, char **endptr)

The strtod() function used to convert the string pointed to by the argument str to a floating-point number (type double). The function stop reading the string at the first character that is not recognized as part of a number.

Parameters strtod() function

Name Description Required /Optional
str Null-terminated string to convert. Required
endptr Pointer to character that stops scan. Required

Return value from strtod()

  • Upon successful completion, the function returns the converted value.
  • If no conversion could be performed, 0 shall be returned.

Example: strtod() function

The following example shows the usage of strtod() function.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
   char *string, *stopstring;
   double x;
   float f;
   long double ld;

   string = "1112.34Red Green White";
   x = strtod(string, &stopstring);
   printf("String = %s\n", string);
   printf("Stopped scan at %s\n", stopstring);
   printf("After converting the said string to a double-precision number\nValue = %f\n", x);
   string = "100abcdef";
   x = strtod(string, &stopstring);
   printf("\nString = %s\n", string);
   printf("Stopped scan at %s\n", stopstring);
   printf("After converting the said string to a double-precision number\nValue = %f\n", x);

   string = "100  abc";
   x = strtod(string, &stopstring);
   printf("\nString = %s\n", string);
   printf("Stopped scan at %s\n", stopstring);
   printf("After converting the said string to a double-precision number\nValue = %f\n", x);
   string = "abc100";
   x = strtod(string, &stopstring);
   printf("\nString = %s\n", string);
   printf("Stopped scan at %s\n", stopstring);
   printf("After converting the said string to a double-precision number\nValue = %f\n", x);


String = 1112.34Red Green White
Stopped scan at Red Green White
After converting the said string to a double-precision number
Value = 1112.340000

String = 100abcdef
Stopped scan at abcdef
After converting the said string to a double-precision number
Value = 100.000000

String = 100  abc
Stopped scan at   abc
After converting the said string to a double-precision number
Value = 100.000000

String = abc100
Stopped scan at abc100
After converting the said string to a double-precision number
Value = 0.000000

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