
C isxdigit() function

C isxdigit(int ch)

The isxdigit() function is used to check whether a character is a hexadecimal digit character (0-9, a-f, A-F) or not. The function is defined in the ctype.h header file.


int isxdigit( int arg );

isxdigit() Parameters:

Name Description Required /Optional
ch Argument ch represents a uppercase letter. Required

Return value from isxdigit()

  • The isxdigit() returns non-zero if ch is a hexadecimal digit; otherwise returns 0.

Example-1: C isxdigit() function

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
int main() {
   char ch;
   int result;
   printf("Check whether a character is a hexadecimal digit character or not!\n");
   ch = 'a';
   result = isxdigit(ch);
   printf("\nReturn value is %d When %c is passed as an argemdent.", result, ch);
   ch = 'g';
   result = isxdigit(ch);
   printf("\nReturn value is %d When %c is passed as an argemdent.", result, ch);
   ch = 'i';
   result = isxdigit(ch);
   printf("\nReturn value is %d When %c is passed as an argemdent.", result, ch);
   ch = '0';
   result = isxdigit(ch);
   printf("\nReturn value is %d When %c is passed as an argemdent.", result, ch);
   return 0;


Check whether a character is a hexadecimal digit character or not!

Return value is 128 When a is passed as an argemdent.
Return value is 0 When g is passed as an argemdent.
Return value is 0 When i is passed as an argemdent.
Return value is 128 When 0 is passed as an argemdent.

Example-2: Program to Check Hexadecimal Character

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
int main() {
   char ch;
   printf("Input a character: ");
   ch = getchar();

   if (isxdigit(ch) != 0) 
      printf("%c is a hexadecimal character.", ch);
      printf("%c is not a hexadecimal character.", ch);
   return 0;


Input a character: b
b is a hexadecimal character.

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