
PostgreSQL NOT NULL constraint

NOT NULL constraint

The not-null constraint in PostgreSQL ensures that a column can not contain any null value. This is a column constraint. No name can be defined to create a not-null constraint.

This constraint is placed immediately after the data-type of a column. Any attempt to put NULL values in that column will be rejected. Columns without the NOT NULL constraint allow NULL values.

A NOT NULL constraint is a column constraint and can not be used as a table constraint.

The reverse of NOT NULL constraint is NULL, but it is not necessary to mention NULL to create a table, the default is NULL, which does not mean that the column must contain NULL, it means that the column might contain NULL value.

A column can contain another constraint along with the NOT NULL constraint.

PostgreSQL NOT NULL example


ord_no integer NOT NULL,
ord_date date NOT NULL,
item_name character(35),
item_grade character(1),
ord_qty numeric NOT NULL,
ord_amount numeric 

The table structure

postgresql not null constraint example1


The above example shows, the table orders have created in which the ord_no, ord_date and ord_qty column does not allow any NULL value.

PostgreSQL NULL example


ord_no integer NOT NULL,
ord_date date  NULL,
item_name character(35),
item_grade character(1),
ord_qty numeric  NULL,
ord_amount numeric 

The table structure postgresql not null constraint example2


The above example shows, the table orders have created in which the ord_no column does not allow any NULL value but the matter is NULL constraint have used as a column constraint with ord_date and ord_qty column but the structure does not show the NULL constraint, because the default value is NULL.

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