
TypeScript database transactions with error handling

TypeScript Error Handling : Exercise-12 with Solution

Write a TypeScript application that interacts with a database and performs transactions. Implement error propagation to handle database-related errors throughout the application, ensuring transactions are rolled back.

Sample Solution:

TypeScript Code:

// Simulated database module
class Database {
  private static data: Map = new Map();

  static beginTransaction() {
    // Simulate beginning a database transaction
    console.log('Transaction started.');

  static commitTransaction() {
    // Simulate committing a database transaction
    console.log('Transaction committed.');

  static rollbackTransaction() {
    // Simulate rolling back a database transaction
    console.log('Transaction rolled back.');

  static insert(key: string, value: string) {
    // Simulate inserting data into the database
    Database.data.set(key, value);
    console.log(`Inserted data: ${key} => ${value}`);

  static retrieve(key: string) {
    // Simulate retrieving data from the database
    return Database.data.get(key);

  static throwError() {
    // Simulate a database error
    throw new Error('Database error');

// Function to perform a database transaction
async function performTransaction(key: string, value: string) {

  try {
    // Insert data into the database
    Database.insert(key, value);

    // Simulate a database error

    console.log('Transaction completed successfully.');
  } catch (error) {
    console.error(`Transaction Error: ${error.message}`);

// Main application
function main() {
  const key = 'user1';
  const value = 'Elmira Judit';

  // Perform a database transaction
  performTransaction(key, value);

// Execute the main application


In the exercise above -

  • We have a simulated "Database" class that mimics database operations, including transactions, inserting data, retrieving data, and throwing database errors.
  • The "performTransaction()" function begins a database transaction, inserts data into the database, simulates a database error, and either commits or rolls back the transaction based on whether an error occurred.
  • The "main()" function initiates the main application logic, where we perform a database transaction.
  • Finally, when you run this application, you'll see that it logs the transaction's progress and handles database-related errors with transaction rollback.


Transaction started.
Inserted data: user1 => Elmira Judit
Transaction Error: Database error
Transaction rolled back.

TypeScript Editor:

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Previous: TypeScript Multi-Step workflow with error handling.

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