
TypeScript array operations: Add, remove, iterate

TypeScript Basic: Exercise-8 with Solution

Write a TypeScript program that declares an array of a specific data type. It will demonstrates common array operations like adding elements, removing elements, and iterating through the array.

Sample Solution:

TypeScript Code:

// Declare an array of strings
const colors: string[] = ["Red", "Green", "Blue", "Orange"];
// Add elements to the array
// Remove elements from the array
colors.pop(); // Removes the last element ("Orange")
// Iterate through the array and print each element
console.log("Array Elements:");
for (const c of colors) {
// Check if an element exists in the array
const searchColor = "Green";
const isColorInArray = colors.includes(searchColor);
console.log(`Is ${searchColor} in the array? ${isColorInArray ? "Yes" : "No"}`);
// Find the index of a specific element in the array
const indexOfBlue = colors.indexOf("Blue");
console.log(`Index of "Blue" in the array: ${indexOfBlue}`);
// Remove a specific element from the array by index
if (indexOfBlue !== -1) {
  colors.splice(indexOfBlue, 1);
// Display the modified array
console.log("Modified Array:");


In the exercise above -

  • First, we declare an array "colors" of type string[] and initialize it with string values representing color names.
  • We use the "push()" method to add elements ("White" and "Pink") to the end of the array.
  • We use the "pop()" method to remove the last element ("Pink") from the array.
  • We iterate through the array using a for...of loop and print each element to the console.
  • We use the includes method to check if a specific element ("Green") exists in the array.
  • We use the indexOf method to find the index of a specific element ("Blue") in the array.
  • If we find the index of "Blue", we use the "splice()" method to remove it from the array.
  • Finally, we display the modified array.


"Array Elements:"
"Is Green in the array? Yes"
"Index of \"Blue\" in the array: 2"
"Modified Array:"
["Red", "Green", "Orange", "White"]

TypeScript Editor:

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Previous: TypeScript type aliases for improved readability.
Next: TypeScript Enumeration: Define and Assign Values.

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