w3resource.com is a web design and development tutorial.

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w3resource offers web development tutorials. We believe in Open Source. Love standards. And prioritize simplicity and readability while serving content. With 3000+ unique content pages and thousands of examples, we are comprehensive. We have online practice editors to play around with the example codes.

Some of the topics and more... :

html5 logo

javascript logo

JSON logo

PHP logo

MySQL logo

Browser Statistics logo

Social networking sites to share:

GPlus logo

Twitter logo

Orkut logo

iPad logo

Digo logo

Zapface logo

facebook logo

Netvibes logo

LinkedIn logo

Newsvine logo

Blogger logo

Reddit logo

Fontend Development:

HTML4.0, XHTML1.0, CSS2.1, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript

Backend Developemt:

PHP, Ruby, Python, Java, ASP.NET, SCALA

Database Management:


APIs, Tools and Tips:

Google Plus API, Twitter Bootstrap, JSON, Firebug, WebPNG