Swift Basic Programming Exercise: Create a new string where all the character "a" have been removed except the first and last positions
Write a Swift program to create a new string where all the character "a" have been removed except the first and last positions.
Pictorial Presentation:

Sample Solution:
Swift Code:
import Foundation
func string_a(_ input: String) -> String {
var chars = input
let index_start = chars.index(after: chars.startIndex)
let index_end = chars.index(before: chars.endIndex)
let middleRange = index_start ..< index_end
var sub_string = chars.substring(with: middleRange)
while sub_string.characters.contains("a") {
sub_string.remove(at: sub_string.characters.index(of: "a")!)
chars.replaceSubrange(middleRange, with: sub_string)
return String(chars)
Sample Output:
abcd abcda abcda abcda
Swift Programming Code Editor:
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Previous: Write a Swift program to test if the sequence of numbers 0, 1, 2 appears in a given array of integers somewhere.
Next: Write a Swift program to create a string taking characters at indexes 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, .. from a given string.
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