Swift Basic Programming Exercise: Convert the last three characters in upper case
Write a Swift program to convert the last three characters in upper case. If the string has less than 3 chars, lowercase whatever is there.
Pictorial Presentation:

Sample Solution:
Swift Code:
func case_str(_ input: String) -> String {
if input.characters.count < 3
return input.lowercased()
var newInput = input.characters
var str1: String = ""
let lastThree = newInput.suffix(3)
let lastThreeUpper = String(lastThree).uppercased()
str1.append(contentsOf: newInput)
return str1
print(case_str("Hello there"))
Sample Output:
hi Hello thERE is PytHON
Swift Programming Code Editor:
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Previous: Write a Swift program that accept two positive integer values and test whether the larger value is in the range 20..30 inclusive, or return 0 if neither is in that range.
Next: Write a Swift program to check if the first instance of "a" in a given string is immediately followed by another "a".
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