
Drizzle ORM and SQLite Simplified for Database Management

Using SQLite with Drizzle ORM for Database Management

Drizzle ORM is a modern TypeScript-based Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library designed for simplicity and type safety. It works well with SQLite for applications requiring lightweight database operations. With Drizzle ORM, developers can manage SQLite databases using a clean and declarative syntax while enjoying TypeScript's type-checking features.

Benefits of Drizzle ORM with SQLite

    1. Type Safety: Ensures accurate SQL queries with TypeScript support.

    2. Declarative API: Simplifies database interactions using intuitive methods.

    3. Lightweight: Perfectly complements SQLite's minimalistic nature.

    4. Cross-platform: Drizzle ORM works seamlessly in both server-side and edge environments.

Setting Up Drizzle ORM with SQLite


    1. Node.js Installed

    2. SQLite Installed

    3. Install Required Packages

Use the following command to install Drizzle and SQLite:

npm install drizzle-orm sqlite3

Step 1: Configuring Drizzle with SQLite


// Import required modules
import { sqliteTable, sqliteColumn, drizzle } from 'drizzle-orm/sqlite';
import { Database } from 'sqlite3';

// Initialize SQLite database connection
const sqlite = new Database('my_database.db'); // SQLite database file
const db = drizzle(sqlite); // Wrap SQLite connection with Drizzle ORM

// Define a Drizzle ORM table
const users = sqliteTable('users', {
  id: sqliteColumn('integer').primaryKey().autoIncrement(),
  name: sqliteColumn('text').notNull(),
  email: sqliteColumn('text').notNull().unique(),
  createdAt: sqliteColumn('text').default(() => new Date().toISOString()),


  • sqliteTable: Defines an SQLite table with schema.
  • sqliteColumn: Specifies columns with constraints like primaryKey or notNull.
  • drizzle: Wraps the SQLite connection, providing ORM features.

Step 2: Creating and Inserting Data


// Function to create the table
async function createTable() {
  await db.execute(sql`CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${users}`);
  console.log('Users table created successfully');

// Function to insert a user into the table
async function addUser(name: string, email: string) {
  await db.insert(users).values({ name, email });
  console.log('User added successfully');

// Call functions
addUser('Alice', '[email protected]');


  • db.execute: Executes raw SQL queries.
  • db.insert: Inserts data into the specified table.
  • Uses template literals (sql) for SQL query composition.

Step 3: Querying Data from SQLite


// Function to retrieve users
async function fetchUsers() {
  const result = await db.select(users).all();
  console.log('Users:', result);

// Call function


  • db.select: Fetches rows from the specified table.
  • .all(): Retrieves all matching records.

Step 4: Updating Data


// Function to update user data
async function updateUser(id: number, name: string) {
  await db.update(users).set({ name }).where(users.id.eq(id));
  console.log('User updated successfully');

// Call function
updateUser(1, 'Alice Smith');


  • db.update: Updates a table with new values.
  • .where: Specifies conditions for the update.

Step 5: Deleting Data


// Function to delete a user
async function deleteUser(id: number) {
  await db.delete(users).where(users.id.eq(id));
  console.log('User deleted successfully');

// Call function


  • db.delete: Deletes rows from the table.
  • .where: Specifies conditions for the delete operation.

Advantages of Drizzle ORM with SQLite

    1. Simplified Schema Management: Drizzle’s declarative approach reduces boilerplate code.

    2. Enhanced Productivity: Type-safe queries minimize runtime errors.

    3. Scalability: Ideal for projects of varying sizes.

    4. Modern Syntax: Leverages TypeScript features for better development practices.

Use Cases

  • 1. Local Databases: Applications requiring lightweight, on-device storage.
  • 2. Prototyping: Quickly building proof-of-concept projects.
  • 3. Edge Computing: Combining SQLite’s small footprint with Drizzle’s simplicity.


Using Drizzle ORM with SQLite brings the best of modern ORM techniques to lightweight database solutions. Its simplicity, combined with TypeScript type-safety, makes it an excellent choice for developers seeking a seamless and efficient database management experience.

Practical Guides to SQLite Snippets and Examples.

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