SQLite Exercise: Display the names and salary for all employees whose salary is not in the specified range and are in department 30 or 100
Write a query to display the names (first_name, last_name) and salary for all employees whose salary is not in the range $10,000 through $15,000 and are in department 30 or 100.
Sample table : employees
+-------------+-------------+-------------+----------+--------------------+------------+------------+----------+----------------+------------+---------------+ | EMPLOYEE_ID | FIRST_NAME | LAST_NAME | EMAIL | PHONE_NUMBER | HIRE_DATE | JOB_ID | SALARY | COMMISSION_PCT | MANAGER_ID | DEPARTMENT_ID | +-------------+-------------+-------------+----------+--------------------+------------+------------+----------+----------------+------------+---------------+ | 100 | Steven | King | SKING | 515.123.4567 | 1987-06-17 | AD_PRES | 24000.00 | 0.00 | 0 | 90 | | 101 | Neena | Kochhar | NKOCHHAR | 515.123.4568 | 1987-06-18 | AD_VP | 17000.00 | 0.00 | 100 | 90 | | 102 | Lex | De Haan | LDEHAAN | 515.123.4569 | 1987-06-19 | AD_VP | 17000.00 | 0.00 | 100 | 90 | | 103 | Alexander | Hunold | AHUNOLD | 590.423.4567 | 1987-06-20 | IT_PROG | 9000.00 | 0.00 | 102 | 60 | | 104 | Bruce | Ernst | BERNST | 590.423.4568 | 1987-06-21 | IT_PROG | 6000.00 | 0.00 | 103 | 60 | | 105 | David | Austin | DAUSTIN | 590.423.4569 | 1987-06-22 | IT_PROG | 4800.00 | 0.00 | 103 | 60 | | 106 | Valli | Pataballa | VPATABAL | 590.423.4560 | 1987-06-23 | IT_PROG | 4800.00 | 0.00 | 103 | 60 | | 107 | Diana | Lorentz | DLORENTZ | 590.423.5567 | 1987-06-24 | IT_PROG | 4200.00 | 0.00 | 103 | 60 | | 108 | Nancy | Greenberg | NGREENBE | 515.124.4569 | 1987-06-25 | FI_MGR | 12000.00 | 0.00 | 101 | 100 | | 109 | Daniel | Faviet | DFAVIET | 515.124.4169 | 1987-06-26 | FI_ACCOUNT | 9000.00 | 0.00 | 108 | 100 | | 110 | John | Chen | JCHEN | 515.124.4269 | 1987-06-27 | FI_ACCOUNT | 8200.00 | 0.00 | 108 | 100 | | 111 | Ismael | Sciarra | ISCIARRA | 515.124.4369 | 1987-06-28 | FI_ACCOUNT | 7700.00 | 0.00 | 108 | 100 | | 112 | Jose Manuel | Urman | JMURMAN | 515.124.4469 | 1987-06-29 | FI_ACCOUNT | 7800.00 | 0.00 | 108 | 100 | | 113 | Luis | Popp | LPOPP | 515.124.4567 | 1987-06-30 | FI_ACCOUNT | 6900.00 | 0.00 | 108 | 100 | | 114 | Den | Raphaely | DRAPHEAL | 515.127.4561 | 1987-07-01 | PU_MAN | 11000.00 | 0.00 | 100 | 30 | | 115 | Alexander | Khoo | AKHOO | 515.127.4562 | 1987-07-02 | PU_CLERK | 3100.00 | 0.00 | 114 | 30 | | 116 | Shelli | Baida | SBAIDA | 515.127.4563 | 1987-07-03 | PU_CLERK | 2900.00 | 0.00 | 114 | 30 | | 117 | Sigal | Tobias | STOBIAS | 515.127.4564 | 1987-07-04 | PU_CLERK | 2800.00 | 0.00 | 114 | 30 | | 118 | Guy | Himuro | GHIMURO | 515.127.4565 | 1987-07-05 | PU_CLERK | 2600.00 | 0.00 | 114 | 30 | | 119 | Karen | Colmenares | KCOLMENA | 515.127.4566 | 1987-07-06 | PU_CLERK | 2500.00 | 0.00 | 114 | 30 | | 120 | Matthew | Weiss | MWEISS | 650.123.1234 | 1987-07-07 | ST_MAN | 8000.00 | 0.00 | 100 | 50 | | 121 | Adam | Fripp | AFRIPP | 650.123.2234 | 1987-07-08 | ST_MAN | 8200.00 | 0.00 | 100 | 50 | | 122 | Payam | Kaufling | PKAUFLIN | 650.123.3234 | 1987-07-09 | ST_MAN | 7900.00 | 0.00 | 100 | 50 | | 123 | Shanta | Vollman | SVOLLMAN | 650.123.4234 | 1987-07-10 | ST_MAN | 6500.00 | 0.00 | 100 | 50 | | 124 | Kevin | Mourgos | KMOURGOS | 650.123.5234 | 1987-07-11 | ST_MAN | 5800.00 | 0.00 | 100 | 50 | | 125 | Julia | Nayer | JNAYER | 650.124.1214 | 1987-07-12 | ST_CLERK | 3200.00 | 0.00 | 120 | 50 | | 126 | Irene | Mikkilineni | IMIKKILI | 650.124.1224 | 1987-07-13 | ST_CLERK | 2700.00 | 0.00 | 120 | 50 | | 127 | James | Landry | JLANDRY | 650.124.1334 | 1987-07-14 | ST_CLERK | 2400.00 | 0.00 | 120 | 50 | | 128 | Steven | Markle | SMARKLE | 650.124.1434 | 1987-07-15 | ST_CLERK | 2200.00 | 0.00 | 120 | 50 | | 129 | Laura | Bissot | LBISSOT | 650.124.5234 | 1987-07-16 | ST_CLERK | 3300.00 | 0.00 | 121 | 50 | | 130 | Mozhe | Atkinson | MATKINSO | 650.124.6234 | 1987-07-17 | ST_CLERK | 2800.00 | 0.00 | 121 | 50 | | 131 | James | Marlow | JAMRLOW | 650.124.7234 | 1987-07-18 | ST_CLERK | 2500.00 | 0.00 | 121 | 50 | | 132 | TJ | Olson | TJOLSON | 650.124.8234 | 1987-07-19 | ST_CLERK | 2100.00 | 0.00 | 121 | 50 | | 133 | Jason | Mallin | JMALLIN | 650.127.1934 | 1987-07-20 | ST_CLERK | 3300.00 | 0.00 | 122 | 50 | | 134 | Michael | Rogers | MROGERS | 650.127.1834 | 1987-07-21 | ST_CLERK | 2900.00 | 0.00 | 122 | 50 | | 135 | Ki | Gee | KGEE | 650.127.1734 | 1987-07-22 | ST_CLERK | 2400.00 | 0.00 | 122 | 50 | | 136 | Hazel | Philtanker | HPHILTAN | 650.127.1634 | 1987-07-23 | ST_CLERK | 2200.00 | 0.00 | 122 | 50 | | 137 | Renske | Ladwig | RLADWIG | 650.121.1234 | 1987-07-24 | ST_CLERK | 3600.00 | 0.00 | 123 | 50 | | 138 | Stephen | Stiles | SSTILES | 650.121.2034 | 1987-07-25 | ST_CLERK | 3200.00 | 0.00 | 123 | 50 | | 139 | John | Seo | JSEO | 650.121.2019 | 1987-07-26 | ST_CLERK | 2700.00 | 0.00 | 123 | 50 | | 140 | Joshua | Patel | JPATEL | 650.121.1834 | 1987-07-27 | ST_CLERK | 2500.00 | 0.00 | 123 | 50 | | 141 | Trenna | Rajs | TRAJS | 650.121.8009 | 1987-07-28 | ST_CLERK | 3500.00 | 0.00 | 124 | 50 | | 142 | Curtis | Davies | CDAVIES | 650.121.2994 | 1987-07-29 | ST_CLERK | 3100.00 | 0.00 | 124 | 50 | | 143 | Randall | Matos | RMATOS | 650.121.2874 | 1987-07-30 | ST_CLERK | 2600.00 | 0.00 | 124 | 50 | | 144 | Peter | Vargas | PVARGAS | 650.121.2004 | 1987-07-31 | ST_CLERK | 2500.00 | 0.00 | 124 | 50 | | 145 | John | Russell | JRUSSEL | 011.44.1344.429268 | 1987-08-01 | SA_MAN | 14000.00 | 0.40 | 100 | 80 | | 146 | Karen | Partners | KPARTNER | 011.44.1344.467268 | 1987-08-02 | SA_MAN | 13500.00 | 0.30 | 100 | 80 | | 147 | Alberto | Errazuriz | AERRAZUR | 011.44.1344.429278 | 1987-08-03 | SA_MAN | 12000.00 | 0.30 | 100 | 80 | | 148 | Gerald | Cambrault | GCAMBRAU | 011.44.1344.619268 | 1987-08-04 | SA_MAN | 11000.00 | 0.30 | 100 | 80 | | 149 | Eleni | Zlotkey | EZLOTKEY | 011.44.1344.429018 | 1987-08-05 | SA_MAN | 10500.00 | 0.20 | 100 | 80 | | 150 | Peter | Tucker | PTUCKER | 011.44.1344.129268 | 1987-08-06 | SA_REP | 10000.00 | 0.30 | 145 | 80 | | 151 | David | Bernstein | DBERNSTE | 011.44.1344.345268 | 1987-08-07 | SA_REP | 9500.00 | 0.25 | 145 | 80 | | 152 | Peter | Hall | PHALL | 011.44.1344.478968 | 1987-08-08 | SA_REP | 9000.00 | 0.25 | 145 | 80 | | 153 | Christopher | Olsen | COLSEN | 011.44.1344.498718 | 1987-08-09 | SA_REP | 8000.00 | 0.20 | 145 | 80 | | 154 | Nanette | Cambrault | NCAMBRAU | 011.44.1344.987668 | 1987-08-10 | SA_REP | 7500.00 | 0.20 | 145 | 80 | | 155 | Oliver | Tuvault | OTUVAULT | 011.44.1344.486508 | 1987-08-11 | SA_REP | 7000.00 | 0.15 | 145 | 80 | | 156 | Janette | King | JKING | 011.44.1345.429268 | 1987-08-12 | SA_REP | 10000.00 | 0.35 | 146 | 80 | | 157 | Patrick | Sully | PSULLY | 011.44.1345.929268 | 1987-08-13 | SA_REP | 9500.00 | 0.35 | 146 | 80 | | 158 | Allan | McEwen | AMCEWEN | 011.44.1345.829268 | 1987-08-14 | SA_REP | 9000.00 | 0.35 | 146 | 80 | | 159 | Lindsey | Smith | LSMITH | 011.44.1345.729268 | 1987-08-15 | SA_REP | 8000.00 | 0.30 | 146 | 80 | | 160 | Louise | Doran | LDORAN | 011.44.1345.629268 | 1987-08-16 | SA_REP | 7500.00 | 0.30 | 146 | 80 | | 161 | Sarath | Sewall | SSEWALL | 011.44.1345.529268 | 1987-08-17 | SA_REP | 7000.00 | 0.25 | 146 | 80 | | 162 | Clara | Vishney | CVISHNEY | 011.44.1346.129268 | 1987-08-18 | SA_REP | 10500.00 | 0.25 | 147 | 80 | | 163 | Danielle | Greene | DGREENE | 011.44.1346.229268 | 1987-08-19 | SA_REP | 9500.00 | 0.15 | 147 | 80 | | 164 | Mattea | Marvins | MMARVINS | 011.44.1346.329268 | 1987-08-20 | SA_REP | 7200.00 | 0.10 | 147 | 80 | | 165 | David | Lee | DLEE | 011.44.1346.529268 | 1987-08-21 | SA_REP | 6800.00 | 0.10 | 147 | 80 | | 166 | Sundar | Ande | SANDE | 011.44.1346.629268 | 1987-08-22 | SA_REP | 6400.00 | 0.10 | 147 | 80 | | 167 | Amit | Banda | ABANDA | 011.44.1346.729268 | 1987-08-23 | SA_REP | 6200.00 | 0.10 | 147 | 80 | | 168 | Lisa | Ozer | LOZER | 011.44.1343.929268 | 1987-08-24 | SA_REP | 11500.00 | 0.25 | 148 | 80 | | 169 | Harrison | Bloom | HBLOOM | 011.44.1343.829268 | 1987-08-25 | SA_REP | 10000.00 | 0.20 | 148 | 80 | | 170 | Tayler | Fox | TFOX | 011.44.1343.729268 | 1987-08-26 | SA_REP | 9600.00 | 0.20 | 148 | 80 | | 171 | William | Smith | WSMITH | 011.44.1343.629268 | 1987-08-27 | SA_REP | 7400.00 | 0.15 | 148 | 80 | | 172 | Elizabeth | Bates | EBATES | 011.44.1343.529268 | 1987-08-28 | SA_REP | 7300.00 | 0.15 | 148 | 80 | | 173 | Sundita | Kumar | SKUMAR | 011.44.1343.329268 | 1987-08-29 | SA_REP | 6100.00 | 0.10 | 148 | 80 | | 174 | Ellen | Abel | EABEL | 011.44.1644.429267 | 1987-08-30 | SA_REP | 11000.00 | 0.30 | 149 | 80 | | 175 | Alyssa | Hutton | AHUTTON | 011.44.1644.429266 | 1987-08-31 | SA_REP | 8800.00 | 0.25 | 149 | 80 | | 176 | Jonathon | Taylor | JTAYLOR | 011.44.1644.429265 | 1987-09-01 | SA_REP | 8600.00 | 0.20 | 149 | 80 | | 177 | Jack | Livingston | JLIVINGS | 011.44.1644.429264 | 1987-09-02 | SA_REP | 8400.00 | 0.20 | 149 | 80 | | 178 | Kimberely | Grant | KGRANT | 011.44.1644.429263 | 1987-09-03 | SA_REP | 7000.00 | 0.15 | 149 | 0 | | 179 | Charles | Johnson | CJOHNSON | 011.44.1644.429262 | 1987-09-04 | SA_REP | 6200.00 | 0.10 | 149 | 80 | | 180 | Winston | Taylor | WTAYLOR | 650.507.9876 | 1987-09-05 | SH_CLERK | 3200.00 | 0.00 | 120 | 50 | | 181 | Jean | Fleaur | JFLEAUR | 650.507.9877 | 1987-09-06 | SH_CLERK | 3100.00 | 0.00 | 120 | 50 | | 182 | Martha | Sullivan | MSULLIVA | 650.507.9878 | 1987-09-07 | SH_CLERK | 2500.00 | 0.00 | 120 | 50 | | 183 | Girard | Geoni | GGEONI | 650.507.9879 | 1987-09-08 | SH_CLERK | 2800.00 | 0.00 | 120 | 50 | | 184 | Nandita | Sarchand | NSARCHAN | 650.509.1876 | 1987-09-09 | SH_CLERK | 4200.00 | 0.00 | 121 | 50 | | 185 | Alexis | Bull | ABULL | 650.509.2876 | 1987-09-10 | SH_CLERK | 4100.00 | 0.00 | 121 | 50 | | 186 | Julia | Dellinger | JDELLING | 650.509.3876 | 1987-09-11 | SH_CLERK | 3400.00 | 0.00 | 121 | 50 | | 187 | Anthony | Cabrio | ACABRIO | 650.509.4876 | 1987-09-12 | SH_CLERK | 3000.00 | 0.00 | 121 | 50 | | 188 | Kelly | Chung | KCHUNG | 650.505.1876 | 1987-09-13 | SH_CLERK | 3800.00 | 0.00 | 122 | 50 | | 189 | Jennifer | Dilly | JDILLY | 650.505.2876 | 1987-09-14 | SH_CLERK | 3600.00 | 0.00 | 122 | 50 | | 190 | Timothy | Gates | TGATES | 650.505.3876 | 1987-09-15 | SH_CLERK | 2900.00 | 0.00 | 122 | 50 | | 191 | Randall | Perkins | RPERKINS | 650.505.4876 | 1987-09-16 | SH_CLERK | 2500.00 | 0.00 | 122 | 50 | | 192 | Sarah | Bell | SBELL | 650.501.1876 | 1987-09-17 | SH_CLERK | 4000.00 | 0.00 | 123 | 50 | | 193 | Britney | Everett | BEVERETT | 650.501.2876 | 1987-09-18 | SH_CLERK | 3900.00 | 0.00 | 123 | 50 | | 194 | Samuel | McCain | SMCCAIN | 650.501.3876 | 1987-09-19 | SH_CLERK | 3200.00 | 0.00 | 123 | 50 | | 195 | Vance | Jones | VJONES | 650.501.4876 | 1987-09-20 | SH_CLERK | 2800.00 | 0.00 | 123 | 50 | | 196 | Alana | Walsh | AWALSH | 650.507.9811 | 1987-09-21 | SH_CLERK | 3100.00 | 0.00 | 124 | 50 | | 197 | Kevin | Feeney | KFEENEY | 650.507.9822 | 1987-09-22 | SH_CLERK | 3000.00 | 0.00 | 124 | 50 | | 198 | Donald | OConnell | DOCONNEL | 650.507.9833 | 1987-09-23 | SH_CLERK | 2600.00 | 0.00 | 124 | 50 | | 199 | Douglas | Grant | DGRANT | 650.507.9844 | 1987-09-24 | SH_CLERK | 2600.00 | 0.00 | 124 | 50 | | 200 | Jennifer | Whalen | JWHALEN | 515.123.4444 | 1987-09-25 | AD_ASST | 4400.00 | 0.00 | 101 | 10 | | 201 | Michael | Hartstein | MHARTSTE | 515.123.5555 | 1987-09-26 | MK_MAN | 13000.00 | 0.00 | 100 | 20 | | 202 | Pat | Fay | PFAY | 603.123.6666 | 1987-09-27 | MK_REP | 6000.00 | 0.00 | 201 | 20 | | 203 | Susan | Mavris | SMAVRIS | 515.123.7777 | 1987-09-28 | HR_REP | 6500.00 | 0.00 | 101 | 40 | | 204 | Hermann | Baer | HBAER | 515.123.8888 | 1987-09-29 | PR_REP | 10000.00 | 0.00 | 101 | 70 | | 205 | Shelley | Higgins | SHIGGINS | 515.123.8080 | 1987-09-30 | AC_MGR | 12000.00 | 0.00 | 101 | 110 | | 206 | William | Gietz | WGIETZ | 515.123.8181 | 1987-10-01 | AC_ACCOUNT | 8300.00 | 0.00 | 205 | 110 | +-------------+-------------+-------------+----------+--------------------+------------+------------+----------+----------------+------------+---------------+
SQLite Code :
-- Selecting the "first_name," "last_name," "salary," and "department_id" columns
SELECT first_name, last_name, salary, department_id
-- Specifying the table from which to retrieve the data, in this case, "employees"
FROM employees
-- Filtering the results to include only rows where the "salary" is not between 10000 and 15000
-- and the "department_id" is either 30 or 100
WHERE salary NOT BETWEEN 10000 AND 15000
AND department_id IN (30, 100);
first_name last_name salary department_id ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------- Daniel Faviet 9000 100 John Chen 8200 100 Ismael Sciarra 7700 100 Jose Manue Urman 7800 100 Luis Popp 6900 100 Alexander Khoo 3100 30 Shelli Baida 2900 30 Sigal Tobias 2800 30 Guy Himuro 2600 30 Karen Colmenares 2500 30
The above SQLite query retrieves employee information including names, salary, and department ID from the "employees" table, but only includes rows where the salary is not within the specified range and the department ID is either 30 or 100.
Here's a brief explanation of each part of SQLite code:
- SELECT clause:
- It selects the "first_name," "last_name," "salary," and "department_id" columns from the "employees" table.
- FROM clause:
- Specifies the table from which to retrieve the data, in this case, the "employees" table.
- WHERE clause:
- Filters the results to include only rows where the "salary" is not between 10000 and 15000.
- Additionally, it includes only rows where the "department_id" is 30 or 100.
Relational Algebra Expression:
![Relational Algebra Expression: Display the names and salary for all employees whose salary is not in the specified range and are in department 30 or 100.](https://www.w3resource.com/w3r_images/sqlite-restricting-and-sorting-data-exercise-relational-algebra-3.png)
Relational Algebra Tree:
![Relational Algebra Tree: Display the names and salary for all employees whose salary is not in the specified range and are in department 30 or 100.](https://www.w3resource.com/w3r_images/sqlite-restricting-and-sorting-data-exercise-relational-algebra-tree-diagram-3.png)
Practice SQLite Online
Model Database
Structure of 'hr' database :
![hr database](https://www.w3resource.com/w3r_images/database-model.gif)
Improve this sample solution and post your code through Disqus.
Previous: Write a query to display the names (first_name, last_name) and department ID of all employees in departments 30 or 100 in ascending alphabetical order by department ID.
Next: Write a query to display the first_name of all employees who have both an "b" and "c" in their first name.
What is the difficulty level of this exercise?
- Weekly Trends and Language Statistics
- Weekly Trends and Language Statistics