SQL exercises

SQL - Exercises, Practice, Solution

Secondary Nav

SQL [11 exercises with solution]

1. Write a sql statement to display all the information of all salesmen.   Go to the editor

Sample table : salesman

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2. Write a sql statement to display a string "This is SQL Exercise, Practice and Solution".  Go to the editor
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3. Write a query to display three numbers in three columns.  Go to the editor
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4. Write a query to display the sum of two numbers 10 and 15 from RDMS sever.  Go to the editor
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5. Write a query to display the result of an arithmetic expression.  Go to the editor
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6. Write a sql statement to display specific columns like name and commission for all the salesmen.   Go to the editor
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Sample table : salesman

7. Write a query to display the columns in a specific order like order date, salesman id, order number and purchase amount from for all the orders.   Go to the editor
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Sample table : orders

8. Write a query which will retrieve the value of salesman id of all salesmen, getting orders from the customers in orders table without any repeats.  Go to the editor

Sample table : orders

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9. Write a sql statement to display names and city of salesman, who belongs to the city of Paris.  Go to the editor

Sample table : salesman

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10. Write a sql statement to display all the information for those customers with a grade of 200.   Go to the editor

Sample table : customer

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11. Write a sql query to display the order number followed by order date and the purchase amount for each order which will be delivered by the salesman who is holding the ID 5001.   Go to the editor

Sample table: customer

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