SQL Exercises: Display the year and subject of Dennis Gabor prize
From the following table, write a SQL query to locate the Nobel Prize winner ‘Dennis Gabor'. Return year, subject.
Sample table: nobel_win
YEAR SUBJECT WINNER COUNTRY CATEGORY ---- ------------------------- --------------------------------------------- ------------------------- ------------ 1970 Physics Hannes Alfven Sweden Scientist 1970 Physics Louis Neel France Scientist 1970 Chemistry Luis Federico Leloir France Scientist 1970 Physiology Ulf von Euler Sweden Scientist 1970 Physiology Bernard Katz Germany Scientist 1970 Literature Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Russia Linguist 1970 Economics Paul Samuelson USA Economist 1970 Physiology Julius Axelrod USA Scientist 1971 Physics Dennis Gabor Hungary Scientist 1971 Chemistry Gerhard Herzberg Germany Scientist 1971 Peace Willy Brandt Germany Chancellor 1971 Literature Pablo Neruda Chile Linguist 1971 Economics Simon Kuznets Russia Economist 1978 Peace Anwar al-Sadat Egypt President 1978 Peace Menachem Begin Israel Prime Minister 1987 Chemistry Donald J. Cram USA Scientist 1987 Chemistry Jean-Marie Lehn France Scientist 1987 Physiology Susumu Tonegawa Japan Scientist 1994 Economics Reinhard Selten Germany Economist 1994 Peace Yitzhak Rabin Israel Prime Minister 1987 Physics Johannes Georg Bednorz Germany Scientist 1987 Literature Joseph Brodsky Russia Linguist 1987 Economics Robert Solow USA Economist 1994 Literature Kenzaburo Oe Japan Linguist
Sample Solution:
-- This query selects the 'year' and 'subject' columns from the 'nobel_win' table.
SELECT year, subject
-- Specifies the table from which to retrieve the data (in this case, 'nobel_win').
FROM nobel_win
-- Filters the rows to only include those where the 'winner' column has the value 'Dennis Gabor'.
WHERE winner = 'Dennis Gabor';
Output of the Query:
year subject 1971 Physics
Code Explanation:
The above query in SQL that retrieves data from a table called 'nobel_win'. The query selects the year and subject columns from the table and filters the results by only displaying rows where the winner column is equal to 'Dennis Gabor'. The query is asking the database to select the year and subject of the nobel prize win for the winner named 'Dennis Gabor'.
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