
Convert a Table into First Normal Form (1NF)

Designing a Table in First Normal Form (1NF)

Write a SQL query to normalize a table into First Normal Form (1NF).


-- Original table with repeating groups.
    OrderID INT,
    CustomerName VARCHAR(100),
    ProductNames VARCHAR(MAX) -- Comma-separated list of products.

-- Normalize the table into 1NF by splitting repeating groups.
    OrderID INT,
    CustomerName VARCHAR(100),
    ProductName VARCHAR(100)


  • Purpose of the Query :
    • The goal is to eliminate repeating groups and ensure atomic values in each column, achieving 1NF.
  • Key Components :
    • Orders_1NF: A normalized table where each product is stored in a separate row.
    • Each column contains only one value per row.
  • Why use 1NF? :
    • 1NF ensures that data is stored in a structured format, making it easier to query and maintain.
    • It eliminates redundancy caused by repeating groups.
  • Real-World Application :
    • In an e-commerce system, storing each product in a separate row simplifies order processing.


  • Repeating groups violate 1NF and can lead to data anomalies.
  • Ensure that all columns contain atomic values after normalization.
  • Important Considerations:
    • Splitting tables may increase the number of rows but improves data integrity.

For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:

  • Write a SQL query to normalize a table containing customer orders where each order has multiple products stored as a comma-separated list into 1NF.
  • Write a SQL query to split a table with a single column storing multiple phone numbers per user into 1NF by creating a separate row for each phone number.
  • Write a SQL query to redesign a table that stores multiple email addresses for a user in a single column into 1NF.
  • Write a SQL query to normalize a table containing student grades where each student has multiple subjects and grades stored in a single column into 1NF.

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Next SQL Exercise: Resolving Partial Dependencies for Second Normal Form (2NF).

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