Creating a Scalar Function with Conditional Logic
Create a Scalar Function with Conditional Logic
Write a SQL query to create a scalar function that calculates a bonus based on employee performance.
-- Create a scalar function with conditional logic.
(@PerformanceRating INT, -- Input parameter for performance rating.
@Salary DECIMAL(10, 2)) -- Input parameter for the employee's salary.
RETURNS DECIMAL(10, 2) -- Return type.
DECLARE @Bonus DECIMAL(10, 2);
-- Calculate bonus based on performance rating.
IF @PerformanceRating >= 5
SET @Bonus = @Salary * 0.2; -- 20% bonus for high performers.
ELSE IF @PerformanceRating >= 3
SET @Bonus = @Salary * 0.1; -- 10% bonus for average performers.
SET @Bonus = 0; -- No bonus for low performers.
RETURN @Bonus;
- The goal is to create a scalar function that calculates an employee's bonus based on their performance rating and salary.
- CREATE FUNCTION : Defines the scalar function.
- IF...ELSE : Implements conditional logic to determine the bonus.
- RETURN : Computes and returns the bonus amount.
- Functions with conditional logic allow you to encapsulate complex business rules into reusable components.
- For example, in HR systems, you might use this function to calculate bonuses during annual appraisals.
1. Purpose of the Query :
2. Key Components :
3. Why use Conditional Logic in Functions? :
4. Real-World Application :
Additional Notes:
- Scalar functions are ideal for calculations that return a single value.
- Avoid overusing scalar functions in large queries, as they can degrade performance.
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