SQL Exercise: Two teams that scored three goals in a single game
27. From the following tables, write a SQL query to find the two teams in this tournament that have scored three goals in a single game. Return match number and country name.
Sample table: match_detailsmatch_no | play_stage | team_id | win_lose | decided_by | goal_score | penalty_score | ass_ref | player_gk ----------+------------+---------+----------+------------+------------+---------------+---------+----------- 1 | G | 1207 | W | N | 2 | | 80016 | 160140 1 | G | 1216 | L | N | 1 | | 80020 | 160348 2 | G | 1201 | L | N | 0 | | 80003 | 160001 2 | G | 1221 | W | N | 1 | | 80023 | 160463 3 | G | 1224 | W | N | 2 | | 80031 | 160532 3 | G | 1218 | L | N | 1 | | 80025 | 160392 4 | G | 1206 | D | N | 1 | | 80008 | 160117 4 | G | 1217 | D | N | 1 | | 80019 | 160369 5 | G | 1222 | L | N | 0 | | 80011 | 160486 5 | G | 1204 | W | N | 1 | | 80022 | 160071 6 | G | 1213 | W | N | 1 | | 80036 | 160279 6 | G | 1212 | L | N | 0 | | 80029 | 160256 7 | G | 1208 | W | N | 2 | | 80014 | 160163 7 | G | 1223 | L | N | 0 | | 80006 | 160508 8 | G | 1219 | W | N | 1 | | 80018 | 160416 8 | G | 1205 | L | N | 0 | | 80012 | 160093 9 | G | 1215 | D | N | 1 | | 80017 | 160324 9 | G | 1220 | D | N | 1 | | 80010 | 160439 10 | G | 1203 | L | N | 0 | | 80004 | 160047 10 | G | 1211 | W | N | 2 | | 80007 | 160231 11 | G | 1202 | L | N | 0 | | 80026 | 160024 11 | G | 1209 | W | N | 2 | | 80028 | 160187 12 | G | 1214 | D | N | 1 | | 80009 | 160302 12 | G | 1210 | D | N | 1 | | 80015 | 160208 13 | G | 1217 | L | N | 1 | | 80001 | 160369 13 | G | 1218 | W | N | 2 | | 80002 | 160392 14 | G | 1216 | D | N | 1 | | 80030 | 160348 14 | G | 1221 | D | N | 1 | | 80032 | 160463 15 | G | 1207 | W | N | 2 | | 80033 | 160140 15 | G | 1201 | L | N | 0 | | 80027 | 160001 16 | G | 1206 | W | N | 2 | | 80005 | 160117 16 | G | 1224 | L | N | 1 | | 80013 | 160531 17 | G | 1223 | L | N | 0 | | 80035 | 160508 17 | G | 1212 | W | N | 2 | | 80034 | 160256 18 | G | 1208 | D | N | 0 | | 80021 | 160163 18 | G | 1213 | D | N | 0 | | 80024 | 160278 19 | G | 1211 | W | N | 1 | | 80016 | 160231 19 | G | 1220 | L | N | 0 | | 80020 | 160439 20 | G | 1205 | D | N | 2 | | 80004 | 160093 20 | G | 1204 | D | N | 2 | | 80007 | 160071 21 | G | 1219 | W | N | 3 | | 80017 | 160416 21 | G | 1222 | L | N | 0 | | 80010 | 160486 22 | G | 1203 | W | N | 3 | | 80009 | 160047 22 | G | 1215 | L | N | 0 | | 80015 | 160324 23 | G | 1210 | D | N | 1 | | 80030 | 160208 23 | G | 1209 | D | N | 1 | | 80032 | 160187 24 | G | 1214 | D | N | 0 | | 80008 | 160302 24 | G | 1202 | D | N | 0 | | 80019 | 160024 25 | G | 1216 | L | N | 0 | | 80035 | 160348 25 | G | 1201 | W | N | 1 | | 80034 | 160001 26 | G | 1221 | D | N | 0 | | 80001 | 160463 26 | G | 1207 | D | N | 0 | | 80002 | 160140 27 | G | 1217 | L | N | 0 | | 80011 | 160369 27 | G | 1224 | W | N | 3 | | 80022 | 160531 28 | G | 1218 | D | N | 0 | | 80003 | 160392 28 | G | 1206 | D | N | 0 | | 80023 | 160117 29 | G | 1223 | L | N | 0 | | 80031 | 160508 29 | G | 1213 | W | N | 1 | | 80025 | 160278 30 | G | 1212 | L | N | 0 | | 80026 | 160256 30 | G | 1208 | W | N | 1 | | 80028 | 160163 31 | G | 1205 | L | N | 0 | | 80033 | 160093 31 | G | 1222 | W | N | 2 | | 80027 | 160486 32 | G | 1204 | W | N | 2 | | 80021 | 160071 32 | G | 1219 | L | N | 1 | | 80024 | 160416 33 | G | 1210 | W | N | 2 | | 80018 | 160208 33 | G | 1202 | L | N | 1 | | 80012 | 160024 34 | G | 1209 | D | N | 3 | | 80014 | 160187 34 | G | 1214 | D | N | 3 | | 80006 | 160302 35 | G | 1211 | L | N | 0 | | 80036 | 160233 35 | G | 1215 | W | N | 1 | | 80029 | 160324 36 | G | 1220 | L | N | 0 | | 80005 | 160439 36 | G | 1203 | W | N | 1 | | 80013 | 160047 37 | R | 1221 | L | P | 1 | 4 | 80004 | 160463 37 | R | 1213 | W | P | 1 | 5 | 80007 | 160278 38 | R | 1224 | W | N | 1 | | 80014 | 160531 38 | R | 1212 | L | N | 0 | | 80006 | 160256 39 | R | 1204 | L | N | 0 | | 80003 | 160071 39 | R | 1214 | W | N | 1 | | 80023 | 160302 40 | R | 1207 | W | N | 2 | | 80008 | 160140 40 | R | 1215 | L | N | 1 | | 80019 | 160324 41 | R | 1208 | W | N | 3 | | 80018 | 160163 41 | R | 1218 | L | N | 0 | | 80012 | 160392 42 | R | 1209 | L | N | 0 | | 80017 | 160187 42 | R | 1203 | W | N | 4 | | 80010 | 160047 43 | R | 1211 | W | N | 2 | | 80009 | 160231 43 | R | 1219 | L | N | 0 | | 80015 | 160416 44 | R | 1206 | L | N | 1 | | 80001 | 160117 44 | R | 1210 | W | N | 2 | | 80002 | 160208 45 | Q | 1213 | L | P | 1 | 3 | 80005 | 160278 45 | Q | 1214 | W | P | 1 | 5 | 80013 | 160302 46 | Q | 1224 | W | N | 3 | | 80001 | 160531 46 | Q | 1203 | L | N | 1 | | 80002 | 160047 47 | Q | 1208 | W | P | 1 | 6 | 80016 | 160163 47 | Q | 1211 | L | P | 1 | 5 | 80020 | 160231 48 | Q | 1207 | W | N | 5 | | 80021 | 160140 48 | Q | 1210 | L | N | 2 | | 80024 | 160208 49 | S | 1214 | W | N | 2 | | 80011 | 160302 49 | S | 1224 | L | N | 0 | | 80022 | 160531 50 | S | 1207 | W | N | 2 | | 80008 | 160140 50 | S | 1208 | L | N | 1 | | 80019 | 160163 51 | F | 1214 | W | N | 1 | | 80004 | 160302 51 | F | 1207 | L | N | 0 | | 80007 | 160140Sample table: soccer_country
country_id | country_abbr | country_name ------------+--------------+--------------------- 1201 | ALB | Albania 1202 | AUT | Austria 1203 | BEL | Belgium 1204 | CRO | Croatia 1205 | CZE | Czech Republic 1206 | ENG | England 1207 | FRA | France 1208 | GER | Germany 1209 | HUN | Hungary 1210 | ISL | Iceland 1211 | ITA | Italy 1212 | NIR | Northern Ireland 1213 | POL | Poland 1214 | POR | Portugal 1215 | IRL | Republic of Ireland 1216 | ROU | Romania 1217 | RUS | Russia 1218 | SVK | Slovakia 1219 | ESP | Spain 1220 | SWE | Sweden 1221 | SUI | Switzerland 1222 | TUR | Turkey 1223 | UKR | Ukraine 1224 | WAL | Wales 1225 | SLO | Slovenia 1226 | NED | Netherlands 1227 | SRB | Serbia 1228 | SCO | Scotland 1229 | NOR | Norway
Sample Solution:
SQL Code:
-- This query selects the match number and country name where a team scored 3 goals and the match ended in a draw.
match_no, -- Selecting the match number from the match_details table aliased as 'a'
country_name -- Selecting the country name from the soccer_country table aliased as 'b'
match_details a -- Specifying the match_details table with an alias 'a'
soccer_country b ON a.team_id = b.country_id -- Joining the soccer_country table with the match_details table based on the team_id
goal_score = 3 -- Filtering rows where the goal score is 3
-- Filtering rows where the match ended in a draw
AND win_lose = 'D';
Sample Output:
match_no | country_name ----------+-------------- 34 | Hungary 34 | Portugal (2 rows)
Code Explanation:
The given query in SQL that retrieves the match number and country name of all matches where the goal score is 3 and the match resulted in a draw.
The uses of JOIN operation combines the information from two tables, match_details and soccer_country, based on their corresponding columns team_id and country_id, respectively.
The WHERE clause filters the results to only include matches with a goal score of 3 and a win/lose result of 'D' (draw).
Alternative Solutions:
Subquery with WHERE Clause:
-- This query selects the match number and country name where a team scored exactly 3 goals and the match ended in a draw.
match_no, -- Selecting the match number from the match_details table aliased as 'a'
country_name -- Selecting the country name from the soccer_country table aliased as 'b'
match_details a -- Specifying the match_details table with an alias 'a'
soccer_country b ON a.team_id = b.country_id -- Joining the soccer_country table with the match_details table based on the team_id
( -- Subquery to count the number of goals scored by the team in each match
FROM goal_details gd
WHERE gd.match_no = a.match_no AND gd.team_id = a.team_id
) = 3 -- Checking if the team scored exactly 3 goals in the match
-- Filtering rows where the match ended in a draw
AND a.win_lose = 'D';
This query uses a subquery in the WHERE clause to count the number of goals scored by a specific team in a match. It selects matches where the team scored exactly 3 goals and had a result of a draw.
-- This query selects the match number and country name where a team scored exactly 3 goals in a match and the match ended in a draw.
a.match_no, -- Selecting the match number from the match_details table aliased as 'a'
b.country_name -- Selecting the country name from the soccer_country table aliased as 'b'
match_details a -- Specifying the match_details table with an alias 'a'
soccer_country b ON a.team_id = b.country_id -- Joining the soccer_country table with the match_details table based on the team_id
goal_details gd ON a.match_no = gd.match_no AND a.team_id = gd.team_id -- Joining the goal_details table with the match_details table based on match number and team ID
a.match_no, b.country_name, a.win_lose -- Grouping the results by match number, country name, and match result
COUNT(gd.goal_id) = 3 -- Ensuring that the team scored exactly 3 goals in the match
-- Filtering rows where the match ended in a draw
AND a.win_lose = 'D';
This query uses GROUP BY and HAVING clauses to group matches by match_no, country_name, and win_lose. It then selects matches where the team scored exactly 3 goals and had a result of a draw.
Using a JOIN with Subquery:
-- This query selects the match number and country name where a team scored exactly 3 goals in a match and the match ended in a draw.
a.match_no, -- Selecting the match number from the match_details table aliased as 'a'
b.country_name -- Selecting the country name from the soccer_country table aliased as 'b'
match_details a -- Specifying the match_details table with an alias 'a'
soccer_country b ON a.team_id = b.country_id -- Joining the soccer_country table with the match_details table based on the team_id
-- Subquery to find matches where a team scored exactly 3 goals
match_no, team_id
match_no, team_id
COUNT(goal_id) = 3 -- Ensuring that the team scored exactly 3 goals in each match
) gd ON a.match_no = gd.match_no AND a.team_id = gd.team_id -- Joining the subquery results with the match_details table based on match number and team ID
-- Filtering rows where the match ended in a draw
a.win_lose = 'D';
This query uses a subquery to find matches where a team scored exactly 3 goals. It then joins this subquery with match_details and soccer_country to get the desired result.
Using EXISTS Clause:
-- This query selects the match number and country name where a team scored exactly 3 goals in a match and the match ended in a draw.
match_no, -- Selecting the match number from the match_details table aliased as 'a'
country_name -- Selecting the country name from the soccer_country table aliased as 'b'
match_details a -- Specifying the match_details table with an alias 'a'
soccer_country b ON a.team_id = b.country_id -- Joining the soccer_country table with the match_details table based on the team_id
EXISTS ( -- Checking for the existence of at least one record that satisfies the condition within the subquery
SELECT 1 -- Selecting 1 as a placeholder value (could be any value since we're using EXISTS)
goal_details gd -- Specifying the goal_details table with an alias 'gd'
gd.match_no = a.match_no -- Matching the match number between the outer query and the subquery
AND gd.team_id = a.team_id -- Matching the team ID between the outer query and the subquery
COUNT(gd.goal_id) = 3 -- Ensuring that the team scored exactly 3 goals in the match
-- Filtering rows where the match ended in a draw
AND a.win_lose = 'D';
This query uses the EXISTS clause with a subquery to check if there exists a match where a team scored exactly 3 goals. It then filters based on the win_lose condition.
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