SQL Exercise: Employees worked without a commission percentage
25. From the following tables, write a SQL query to find full name (first and last name), job title, start and end date of last jobs of employees who did not receive commissions.
Sample table: jobs
Sample table: job_history
Sample table: employees
Sample Solution:
-- Selecting specific columns (CONCAT(e.first_name, ' ', e.last_name) AS Employee_name, j.job_title, h.*) from the 'employees' table, aliased as 'e', and performing joins with other tables
SELECT CONCAT(e.first_name, ' ', e.last_name) AS Employee_name,
-- Joining the 'employees' table (aliased as 'e') with a subquery (aliased as 'h') that calculates the MAX(start_date), MAX(end_date), and employee_id grouped by employee_id from the 'job_history' table
FROM employees e
(SELECT MAX(start_date),
FROM job_history
GROUP BY employee_id) h ON e.employee_id = h.employee_id
-- Joining the result set with the 'jobs' table (aliased as 'j') based on the common column 'job_id'
JOIN jobs j ON j.job_id = e.job_id
-- Filtering rows based on the condition that 'commission_pct' is equal to 0
WHERE e.commission_pct = 0;
Sample Output:
employee_name job_title starting_date ending_date employee_id Neena Kochhar Administration Vice President 2001-10-28 2005-03-15 101 Lex De Haan Administration Vice President 2001-01-13 2006-07-24 102 Den Raphaely Purchasing Manager 2006-03-24 2007-12-31 114 Payam Kaufling Stock Manager 2007-01-01 2007-12-31 122 Jennifer Whalen Administration Assistant 2002-07-01 2006-12-31 200 Michael Hartstein Marketing Manager 2004-02-17 2007-12-19 201
Code Explanation:
The said query in SQL which will return a list of employee names, job titles, and job history details for employees who do not have a commission percentage, based on data from the employees, jobs, and job_history tables.
The JOIN clause joins the employees table with a subquery that selects the latest job history record for each employee.
The subquery groups the job history records by employee ID using the GROUP BY clause. It ensures that only the latest job history records are returned for each employee.
After joining the result of the subquery with the employees table, the query joins the jobs table with the job ID.
The WHERE clause filters the results to only include employees who do not have a commission percentage.
Alternative Solutions:
Using Subquery with MAX() in WHERE Clause:
SELECT CONCAT(e.first_name, ' ', e.last_name) AS Employee_name,
FROM employees e
JOIN job_history h ON e.employee_id = h.employee_id
JOIN jobs j ON j.job_id = e.job_id
WHERE (h.start_date, h.end_date, e.employee_id) IN (
SELECT MAX(start_date), MAX(end_date), employee_id
FROM job_history
GROUP BY employee_id
AND e.commission_pct = 0;
In this query, the subquery finds the maximum start date, maximum end date, and employee ID from the 'job_history' table. The main query then joins the relevant tables and uses this subquery in the WHERE clause to filter the results.
Using Subquery with EXISTS Clause:
SELECT CONCAT(e.first_name, ' ', e.last_name) AS Employee_name,
FROM employees e
JOIN job_history h ON e.employee_id = h.employee_id
JOIN jobs j ON j.job_id = e.job_id
FROM job_history h2
WHERE h2.employee_id = e.employee_id
GROUP BY h2.employee_id
HAVING MAX(h2.start_date) = h.start_date
AND MAX(h2.end_date) = h.end_date
AND e.commission_pct = 0;
This query uses an EXISTS subquery to check if there exists another record in job_history for the same employee with the same start and end dates. If such a record exists, it includes the current record in the result set.
Using Self-Join and Subquery:
SELECT CONCAT(e.first_name, ' ', e.last_name) AS Employee_name,
FROM employees e
JOIN job_history h ON e.employee_id = h.employee_id
JOIN jobs j ON j.job_id = e.job_id
SELECT employee_id, MAX(start_date) as max_start_date, MAX(end_date) as max_end_date
FROM job_history
GROUP BY employee_id
) h2 ON h.employee_id = h2.employee_id
AND h.start_date = h2.max_start_date
AND h.end_date = h2.max_end_date
WHERE e.commission_pct = 0;
This query performs a self-join on the job_history table to find the records with maximum start and end dates for each employee. It then joins the relevant tables and filters the results to include only records with a commission percentage of 0.
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