
SQL Exercise: List the details of the employees working at PERTH

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60. From the following table, write a SQL query to list the details of the employees working at PERTH.

Sample table: employees

Sample table: department

Sample Solution:

FROM employees
WHERE dep_id IN
    (SELECT dep_id
     FROM department
     WHERE department.dep_location = 'PERTH');

Sample Output:

 emp_id | emp_name | job_name | manager_id | hire_date  | salary  | commission | dep_id
  66928 | BLAZE    | MANAGER  |      68319 | 1991-05-01 | 2750.00 |            |   3001
  64989 | ADELYN   | SALESMAN |      66928 | 1991-02-20 | 1700.00 |     400.00 |   3001
  65271 | WADE     | SALESMAN |      66928 | 1991-02-22 | 1350.00 |     600.00 |   3001
  66564 | MADDEN   | SALESMAN |      66928 | 1991-09-28 | 1350.00 |    1500.00 |   3001
  68454 | TUCKER   | SALESMAN |      66928 | 1991-09-08 | 1600.00 |       0.00 |   3001
  69000 | JULIUS   | CLERK    |      66928 | 1991-12-03 | 1050.00 |            |   3001
(6 rows)


The said query in SQL that retrieves all employee records from the 'employees' table where the department ID of the employee matches a department ID from the 'department' table that has a location of 'PERTH'.

The WHERE clause filters the results to include only those departments where the department ID of the employee is in a subquery.

The subquery returns a list of department IDs from the 'department' table that are located in Perth.

Practice Online

Structure of employee Database:

employee database structure

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Previous SQL Exercise: Display the unique department of the employees.
Next SQL Exercise: Employees of grade 2 and 3 who belongs to a city.

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