
SQL Exercise: List the employees who are senior to their own MANAGERS

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88. From the following table, write a SQL query to list the employees who are senior to their MANAGERS. Return complete information about the employees.

Sample table: employees

Sample Solution:

FROM employees w,
     employees m
WHERE w.manager_id = m.emp_id
  AND w.hire_date < m.hire_date;


FROM employees w,
     employees m
WHERE w.emp_id= m.manager_id
  AND w.hire_date> m.hire_date;

Sample Output:

 emp_id | emp_name | job_name | manager_id | hire_date  | salary  | commission | dep_id | emp_id | emp_name | job_name  | manager_id | hire_date  | salary  | commission| dep_id
  66928 | BLAZE    | MANAGER  |      68319 | 1991-05-01 | 2750.00 |            |   3001 |  68319 | KAYLING  | PRESIDENT |            | 1991-11-18 | 6000.00 |            |   1001
  67832 | CLARE    | MANAGER  |      68319 | 1991-06-09 | 2550.00 |            |   1001 |  68319 | KAYLING  | PRESIDENT |            | 1991-11-18 | 6000.00 |            |   1001
  65646 | JONAS    | MANAGER  |      68319 | 1991-04-02 | 2957.00 |            |   2001 |  68319 | KAYLING  | PRESIDENT |            | 1991-11-18 | 6000.00 |            |   1001
  63679 | SANDRINE | CLERK    |      69062 | 1990-12-18 |  900.00 |            |   2001 |  69062 | FRANK    | ANALYST   |      65646 | 1991-12-03 | 3100.00 |            |   2001
  64989 | ADELYN   | SALESMAN |      66928 | 1991-02-20 | 1700.00 |     400.00 |   3001 |  66928 | BLAZE    | MANAGER   |      68319 | 1991-05-01 | 2750.00 |            |   3001
  65271 | WADE     | SALESMAN |      66928 | 1991-02-22 | 1350.00 |     600.00 |   3001 |  66928 | BLAZE    | MANAGER   |      68319 | 1991-05-01 | 2750.00 |            |   3001
(6 rows)


The said query in SQL retrieves a list of all employees who were hired before their managers, along with the data for both the employee and their manager.

The WHERE clause matches each employee with their respective manager based on the manager_id field and filters the result to include only employees who were hired before their respective managers.

Practice Online

Sample Database: employee

employee database structure

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Previous SQL Exercise: List employees along with details of their departments.
Next SQL Exercise: Employees in ASC order of salary in department 1001.

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