SQL Exercise: Employees whose salary is greater than their managers
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54. From the following table, write a SQL query to identify employees whose salaries are higher than their managers' salaries. Return employee name, job name, manager ID, salary, manager name, manager's salary.
Sample table: employees
Pictorial Presentation:

Sample Solution:
SELECT w.emp_name,
m.emp_name "Manager",
m.salary "Manager_Salary"
FROM employees w,
employees m
WHERE w.manager_id = m.emp_id
AND w.salary > m.salary;
Sample Output:
emp_name | job_name | manager_id | salary | Manager | emp_id | Manager_Salary ----------+----------+------------+---------+---------+--------+---------------- SCARLET | ANALYST | 65646 | 3100.00 | JONAS | 65646 | 2957.00 FRANK | ANALYST | 65646 | 3100.00 | JONAS | 65646 | 2957.00 (2 rows)
The given query in SQL that selects the employee name, job name, manager ID, salary, manager name aliased as "Manager", manager ID, and manager salary aliased as "Manager_Salary" for all employees from the employees table.
The query is using a self-join to combine data from the employees table with itself based on the manager_id column.
The WHERE clause filters those employees whose salary is greater than their manager's salary.
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Sample Database: employee

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