SQL Exercise: List the employees working under various managers
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46. From the following table, write a SQL query to find out which employees are working under the managers 63679, 68319, 66564, or 69000. Return complete information about the employees.
Sample table: employees
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Sample Solution:
FROM employees
WHERE manager_id IN (63679,
Sample Output:
emp_id | emp_name | job_name | manager_id | hire_date | salary | commission | dep_id --------+----------+----------+------------+------------+---------+------------+-------- 66928 | BLAZE | MANAGER | 68319 | 1991-05-01 | 2750.00 | | 3001 67832 | CLARE | MANAGER | 68319 | 1991-06-09 | 2550.00 | | 1001 65646 | JONAS | MANAGER | 68319 | 1991-04-02 | 2957.00 | | 2001 (3 rows)
The said query in SQL that selects all columns from the 'employees' table where the "manager_id" column has a value that matches any of the four values provided in the "IN" clause. The values in the "IN" clause are 63679, 68319, 66564, and 69000 represents manager IDs in the 'employees' table.
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Sample Database: employee

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Previous SQL Exercise: Employees who joined on the given days in the year 1991.
Next SQL Exercise: Employees who joined after the month of JUNE in 1991.
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