
SQL Exercise: List the employees whose names containing the letter A

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112. From the following table, write a SQL query to find those employees whose names contain the letter 'A’. Return complete information about the employees.

Sample table: employees

Sample Solution:

FROM employees
WHERE emp_name LIKE '%A%';

Sample Output:

 emp_id | emp_name | job_name  | manager_id | hire_date  | salary  | commission | dep_id
  68319 | KAYLING  | PRESIDENT |            | 1991-11-18 | 6000.00 |            |   1001
  66928 | BLAZE    | MANAGER   |      68319 | 1991-05-01 | 2750.00 |            |   3001
  67832 | CLARE    | MANAGER   |      68319 | 1991-06-09 | 2550.00 |            |   1001
  65646 | JONAS    | MANAGER   |      68319 | 1991-04-02 | 2957.00 |            |   2001
  67858 | SCARLET  | ANALYST   |      65646 | 1997-04-19 | 3100.00 |            |   2001
  69062 | FRANK    | ANALYST   |      65646 | 1991-12-03 | 3100.00 |            |   2001
  63679 | SANDRINE | CLERK     |      69062 | 1990-12-18 |  900.00 |            |   2001
  64989 | ADELYN   | SALESMAN  |      66928 | 1991-02-20 | 1700.00 |     400.00 |   3001
  65271 | WADE     | SALESMAN  |      66928 | 1991-02-22 | 1350.00 |     600.00 |   3001
  66564 | MADDEN   | SALESMAN  |      66928 | 1991-09-28 | 1350.00 |    1500.00 |   3001
  68736 | ADNRES   | CLERK     |      67858 | 1997-05-23 | 1200.00 |            |   2001
  69324 | MARKER   | CLERK     |      67832 | 1992-01-23 | 1400.00 |            |   1001
(12 rows)


The said query in SQL returns all rows where the "emp_name" column contains the letter "A" in any position within the string from the ‘employees’ table. The "%" symbol is a wildcard that matches any sequence of characters.

Relational Algebra Expression:

Relational Algebra Expression: List the employees whose names containing the letter 'A'.

Relational Algebra Tree:

Relational Algebra Tree: List the employees whose names containing the letter 'A'.

Practice Online

Sample Database: employee

employee database structure

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Previous SQL Exercise: List the employees whose ID not starting with digit 68.
Next SQL Exercises: List the Employees whose names end with S and length 6.

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