SQL Exercise: Six-character employee names with R in 3rd position
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106. From the following table, write a SQL query to find those employees whose name is six characters in length and the third character must be 'R'. Return complete information about the employees.
Sample table: employees
Sample Solution:
FROM employees
WHERE length(emp_name)=6
AND emp_name LIKE '__R%';
Sample Output:
emp_id | emp_name | job_name | manager_id | hire_date | salary | commission | dep_id --------+----------+----------+------------+------------+---------+------------+-------- 69324 | MARKER | CLERK | 67832 | 1992-01-23 | 1400.00 | | 1001 (1 row)
The said query in SQL that selects all columns of employees whose names have a length of 6 characters and start with any two characters, followed by the letter 'R' from the 'employees' table.
With the WHERE clause, the length() function will check if the emp_name has exactly 6 characters, and the LIKE operator will match any two characters following 'R'.
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Sample Database: employee

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