
SQL Challenges-1: Resolve highest complaint and nearest manager id is 114

From the following table write a query in SQL to find those employees who resolve the highest complaint in all quarter and works under the supervision of that manager, holding id 114. Returns employee name and the number of complaint resolved.

Table: orders




100StevenMProduction24000 240 310 275 300 90 0
101 Neena F Production 17000 270 300 275 290 90 100
102 Lex M Audit 17000 300 290 285 310 80 100
103 Alexander M Marketing 9000 25 270 260 280 60 102
104 Bruce M Marketing 6000 300 280 275 290 60 103
105 David M Audit 4800 200 220 250 270 80 103
106 Valli F Marketing 4800 300 320 330 350 60 103
107 Diana F Marketing 4200 280 270 310 320 60 103
108 Nancy M Administration 12000 260 280 300 310 100 101
109 Daniel F Administration 9000 220 210 240 260 100 108
110 John M Administration 8200 300 290 280 320 100 108
111 Ismael M Administration 7700 280 300 270 310 100 108
112 Jose Manuel M Administration 7800 250 280 260 300 100 108
113 Luis F Administration 6900 300 280 270 310 100 108
114 Den M Sales 11000 280 290 300 320 30 100
115 Alexander M Sales 3100 310 300 320 340 30 114
116 Shelli F Sales 2900 245 260 280 300 30 114
117 Sigal F Sales 2800 250 370 290 320 30 114
133 Jason M Export 3300 280 270 300 290 50 122
134 Michael F Export 2900 260 280 290 300 50 122
135 Ki F Export 2400 240 260 270 290 50 122

Sample Solution:

SQL Code(MySQL):

create table employees (
emp_id integer(4) not null unique,
emp_name varchar(30),
emp_sex varchar(1),
depart_name varchar(25),
emp_salary int(6),
qtr1 int(4),
qtr2 int(4),
qtr3 int(4),
qtr4 int(4),
emp_department int(3),
manager_id int(4)

insert into employees values(100,'Steven     ','M','Production',24000,240,310,275,300,  90,0);       
insert into employees values(101,'Neena      ','F','Production',17000,270,300,275,290,  90,100);     
insert into employees values(102,'Lex        ','M','Audit',17000,300,290,285,310,  80,100);          
insert into employees values(103,'Alexander  ','M','Marketing', 9000,25,270,260,280,  60,102);       
insert into employees values(104,'Bruce      ','M','Marketing', 6000,300,280,275,290,  60,103);      
insert into employees values(105,'David      ','M','Audit', 4800,200,220,250,270,  80,103);          
insert into employees values(106,'Valli      ','F','Marketing', 4800,300,320,330,350,  60,103);      
insert into employees values(107,'Diana      ','F','Marketing', 4200,280,270,310,320,  60,103);      
insert into employees values(114,'Den        ','M','Sales',11000,280,290,300,320 ,  30,101);         
insert into employees values(115,'Alexander  ','M','Sales', 3100,310,300,320,340,  30,108);          
insert into employees values(116,'Shelli     ','F','Sales', 2900,245,260,280,300,  30,108);          
insert into employees values(117,'Sigal      ','F','Sales', 2800,250,370,290,320,  30,108);          
insert into employees values(108,'Nancy      ','M','Administration',12000,260,280,300,310, 100,108); 
insert into employees values(109,'Daniel     ','F','Administration', 9000,220,210,240,260, 100,108); 
insert into employees values(110,'John       ','M','Administration', 8200,300,290,280,320, 100,100); 
insert into employees values(111,'Ismael     ','M','Administration', 7700,280,300,270,310, 100,114); 
insert into employees values(112,'Jose Manuel','M','Administration', 7800,250,280,260,300, 100,114); 
insert into employees values(113,'Luis       ','F','Administration', 6900,300,280,270,310, 100,114); 
insert into employees values(133,'Jason      ','M','Export', 3300,280,270,300,290,  50,122);         
insert into employees values(134,'Michael    ','F','Export', 2900,260,280,290,300,  50,122);         
insert into employees values(135,'Ki         ','F','Export', 2400,240,260,270,290,  50,122);         

SELECT emp_name, (qtr1+qtr2+qtr3+qtr4) as "Case Resolved"
FROM employees
WHERE manager_id = 114 
AND qtr1+qtr2+qtr3+qtr4 IN 
(SELECT MAX(qtr1+qtr2+qtr3+qtr4) FROM employees 
WHERE manager_id = 114);

Sample Output:

emp_name   |Case Resolved|
Ismael     |         1160|
Luis       |         1160|

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