SQL Challenges-1: List the items sold out within a specific period
From the following tables write a SQL query to get the description of items with 50 or more quantities sold out within January and February of 2020. Return item description and sale quantity.
Table: item
Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
item_code | int(11) | NO | PRI | ||
item_desc | varchar(255) | YES | |||
cost | int(11) | YES |
item_code | item_desc | cost |
101 | mother board | 2700 |
102 | RAM | 800 |
103 | key board | 300 |
104 | mouse | 300 |
Table: sales_info
Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
distributor_id | int(11) | YES | |||
item_code | int(11) | YES | |||
retailer_id | int(11) | YES | |||
date_of_sell | date | YES | |||
quantity | int(11) | YES | |||
total_cost | int(11) | YES |
distributor_id | item_code | retailer_id | date_of_sell | quantity | total_cost |
5001 | 101 | 1001 | 2020-01-12 | 30 | 8100 |
5001 | 103 | 1002 | 2020-01-15 | 25 | 4500 |
5002 | 101 | 1001 | 2019-01-30 | 25 | 5400 |
5001 | 104 | 1003 | 2019-02-17 | 75 | 2400 |
5003 | 101 | 1003 | 2020-03-07 | 55 | 13500 |
5003 | 104 | 1002 | 2020-05-27 | 100 | 3000 |
5002 | 102 | 1001 | 2020-05-18 | 65 | 9600 |
5002 | 103 | 1004 | 2020-01-30 | 45 | 2400 |
5003 | 103 | 1001 | 2020-03-12 | 30 | 900 |
Sample Solution:
SQL Code(MySQL):
CREATE TABLE item (item_code int not null unique, item_desc varchar(255), cost int);
INSERT INTO item VALUES(101,'mother board', 2700);
INSERT INTO item VALUES(102,'RAM', 800);
INSERT INTO item VALUES(103,'key board',300);
INSERT INTO item VALUES(104,'mouse',300);
CREATE TABLE sales_info (distributor_id int, item_code int, retailer_id int, date_of_sell date, quantity int, total_cost int);
INSERT INTO sales_info VALUES(5001,101,1001,'2020-01-12',30,8100);
INSERT INTO sales_info VALUES(5001,103,1002,'2020-01-15',25,4500);
INSERT INTO sales_info VALUES(5002,101,1001,'2019-01-30',25,5400);
INSERT INTO sales_info VALUES(5001,104,1003,'2019-02-17',75,2400);
INSERT INTO sales_info VALUES(5003,101,1003,'2020-03-07',55,13500);
INSERT INTO sales_info VALUES(5003,104,1002,'2020-05-27',100,3000);
INSERT INTO sales_info VALUES(5002,102,1001,'2020-05-18',65,9600);
INSERT INTO sales_info VALUES(5002,103,1004,'2020-01-30',45,2400);
INSERT INTO sales_info VALUES(5003,103,1001,'2020-03-12',30,900);
select item_desc, sum(quantity) as sale_quantity
from item a join sales_info b
on a.item_code = b.item_code
where month(date_of_sell) between 1 and 2
group by item_desc
having sale_quantity >= 50
Sample Output:
item_desc |sale_quantity| ------------|-------------| key board | 70| mother board| 55| mouse | 75|
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Previous: Show running quantiry for each unit type of item.
Next: Find the order id and the item name for all companies who are not registered with the distributor.
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