SQL Challenges-1: Show running quantiry for each unit type of item
From the following table write a SQL query to find the total sale quantity of items of each unit type at each day. Return unit type, date and total sale quantity at each day. Order the result table by gender and day.
Table: sale
Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
product_name | varchar(25) | YES | |||
unit_type | varchar(5) | YES | |||
sale_date | date | YES | |||
sale_qty | int(11) | YES |
product_name | unit_type | sale_date | sale_qty |
Munchos | P | 2018-05-15 | 20 |
Boyer Chocolate | P | 2018-04-27 | 30 |
CocaCola | L | 2018-04-10 | 25 |
Fruit Cakes | P | 2018-07-12 | 30 |
CocaCola | L | 2018-07-07 | 50 |
Fanta | L | 2018-01-27 | 70 |
Chex Mix | P | 2018-09-17 | 40 |
Jaffa Cakes | P | 2018-06-25 | 40 |
Pom-Bear | P | 2018-02-11 | 30 |
Twix Chocolate | P | 2018-12-24 | 50 |
Limca | L | 2018-03-15 | 50 |
Mirinda | L | 2018-02-05 | 40 |
Sample Solution:
SQL Code(MySQL):
Create table sale (product_name varchar(25),unit_type varchar(5),sale_date date,sale_qty integer);
insert into sale values ('Munchos','P','2018-05-15',20);
insert into sale values ('Boyer Chocolate','P','2018-04-27', 30);
insert into sale values ('CocaCola','L','2018-04-10', 25);
insert into sale values ('Fruit Cakes','P','2018-07-12', 30);
insert into sale values ('CocaCola','L','2018-07-07', 50);
insert into sale values ('Fanta','L','2018-01-27', 70);
insert into sale values ('Chex Mix','P','2018-09-17', 40);
insert into sale values ('Jaffa Cakes','P','2018-06-25', 40);
insert into sale values ('Pom-Bear','P','2018-02-11', 30);
insert into sale values ('Twix Chocolate','P','2018-12-24', 50);
insert into sale values ('Limca','L','2018-03-15', 50);
insert into sale values ('Mirinda','L','2018-02-05', 40);
sum(s2.sale_qty) as "running unit"
from sale as s1
join sale as s2
on s1.sale_date >= s2.sale_date and s1.unit_type = s2.unit_type
group by s1.unit_type,s1.sale_date
order by unit_type,sale_date;
Sample Output:
unit_type|sale_date |running unit| ---------|----------|------------| L |2018-01-27| 70| L |2018-02-05| 110| L |2018-03-15| 160| L |2018-04-10| 185| L |2018-07-07| 235| P |2018-02-11| 30| P |2018-04-27| 60| P |2018-05-15| 80| P |2018-06-25| 120| P |2018-07-12| 150| P |2018-09-17| 190| P |2018-12-24| 240|
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Previous: Find the Team Size.
Next: List the items sold out within a specific period.
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