SQL Challenges-1: Students and Examinations
From the following tables write a SQL query to find the number of times each patient call the specialist doctor since their treating period. Order the result table by patient_id and specialist_call.
Table: patient
Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
patient_id | int(11) | NO | PRI | ||
patient_name | varchar(25) | YES |
patient_id | patient_name |
1001 | Gilbart Kane |
1002 | Thomas Richi |
1003 | Ricardo Grance |
1004 | Vanio Tishuma |
1004 | Charls Brown |
Table: speciality
Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
specialist | varchar(25) | YES |
specialist |
medicine |
cardiology |
neurology |
hematology |
Table: treatment
Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
patient_id | int(11) | YES | MUL | ||
specialist_call | varchar(25) | YES |
patient_id | specialist_call |
1001 | medicine |
1003 | medicine |
1002 | cardiology |
1001 | hematology |
1004 | medicine |
1003 | cardiology |
1005 | neurology |
1002 | neurology |
1001 | cardiology |
1005 | cardiology |
1003 | cardiology |
1005 | hematology |
1004 | hematology |
1005 | neurology |
1002 | neurology |
1001 | hematology |
Sample Solution:
SQL Code(MySQL):
patient_id integer NOT NULL UNIQUE,
patient_name varchar(25));
INSERT INTO patient VALUES(1001,'Gilbart Kane ');
INSERT INTO patient VALUES(1002,'Thomas Richi ');
INSERT INTO patient VALUES(1003,'Ricardo Grance ');
INSERT INTO patient VALUES(1004,'Vanio Tishuma ');
INSERT INTO patient VALUES(1005,'Charls Brown ');
CREATE TABLE speciality(
specialist varchar(25));
INSERT INTO speciality VALUES('medicine ');
INSERT INTO speciality VALUES('cardiology ');
INSERT INTO speciality VALUES('neurology ');
INSERT INTO speciality VALUES('hematology ');
CREATE TABLE treatment(
patient_id integer ,
specialist_call varchar(25),
foreign key (patient_id) references patient(patient_id));
INSERT INTO treatment VALUES(1001,'medicine ');
INSERT INTO treatment VALUES(1003,'medicine ');
INSERT INTO treatment VALUES(1002,'cardiology ');
INSERT INTO treatment VALUES(1001,'hematology ');
INSERT INTO treatment VALUES(1004,'medicine ');
INSERT INTO treatment VALUES(1003,'cardiology ');
INSERT INTO treatment VALUES(1005,'neurology ');
INSERT INTO treatment VALUES(1002,'neurology ');
INSERT INTO treatment VALUES(1001,'cardiology ');
INSERT INTO treatment VALUES(1005,'cardiology ');
INSERT INTO treatment VALUES(1003,'cardiology ');
INSERT INTO treatment VALUES(1005,'hematology ');
INSERT INTO treatment VALUES(1004,'hematology ');
INSERT INTO treatment VALUES(1005,'neurology ');
INSERT INTO treatment VALUES(1002,'neurology ');
INSERT INTO treatment VALUES(1001,'hematology ');
SELECT s.patient_id, patient_name, sub.specialist , COUNT(e.specialist_call) AS "Specialist Attended"
FROM patient AS s
CROSS JOIN speciality AS sub
LEFT JOIN treatment AS e
ON s.patient_id = e.patient_id
AND sub.specialist = e.specialist_call
GROUP BY s.patient_id, patient_name, sub.specialist
ORDER BY patient_id, patient_name, specialist;
Sample Output:
patient_id|patient_name |specialist |Specialist Attended| ----------|---------------|-----------|-------------------| 1001|Gilbart Kane |cardiology | 1| 1001|Gilbart Kane |hematology | 2| 1001|Gilbart Kane |medicine | 1| 1001|Gilbart Kane |neurology | 0| 1002|Thomas Richi |cardiology | 1| 1002|Thomas Richi |hematology | 0| 1002|Thomas Richi |medicine | 0| 1002|Thomas Richi |neurology | 2| 1003|Ricardo Grance |cardiology | 2| 1003|Ricardo Grance |hematology | 0| 1003|Ricardo Grance |medicine | 1| 1003|Ricardo Grance |neurology | 0| 1004|Vanio Tishuma |cardiology | 0| 1004|Vanio Tishuma |hematology | 1| 1004|Vanio Tishuma |medicine | 1| 1004|Vanio Tishuma |neurology | 0| 1005|Charls Brown |cardiology | 1| 1005|Charls Brown |hematology | 1| 1005|Charls Brown |medicine | 0| 1005|Charls Brown |neurology | 2|
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