SQL Challenges-1: Find the first login date for each customer
From the following table, write a SQL query to find the first login date for each customer. Return customer id, login date.
Table: bank_trans
Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
trans_id | int(11) | YES | |||
customer_id | int(11) | YES | |||
login_date | date | YES |
trans_id | customer_id | login_date |
101 | 3002 | 2019-09-01 |
101 | 3002 | 2019-08-01 |
102 | 3003 | 2018-09-13 |
102 | 3002 | 2018-07-24 |
103 | 3001 | 2019-09-25 |
102 | 3004 | 2017-09-05 |
Sample Solution:
SQL Code(MySQL):
CREATE TABLE bank_trans(trans_id int, customer_id int, login_date date);
INSERT INTO bank_trans VALUES (101, 3002, '2019-09-01');
INSERT INTO bank_trans VALUES (101, 3002, '2019-08-01');
INSERT INTO bank_trans VALUES (102, 3003, '2018-09-13');
INSERT INTO bank_trans VALUES (102, 3002, '2018-07-24');
INSERT INTO bank_trans VALUES (103, 3001, '2019-09-25');
INSERT INTO bank_trans VALUES (102, 3004, '2017-09-05');
SELECT * FROM bank_trans;
SELECT customer_id, MIN(login_date) first_login
FROM bank_trans
GROUP BY customer_id;
Sample Output:
customer_id|first_login| -----------|-----------| 3001| 2019-09-25| 3002| 2018-07-24| 3003| 2018-09-13| 3004| 2017-09-05|
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