
AdventureWorks Database: List contacts who are Purchasing Manager

20. From the following tables write a query in SQL to make a list of contacts who are designated as 'Purchasing Manager'. Return BusinessEntityID, LastName, and FirstName columns. Sort the result set in ascending order of LastName, and FirstName.

Sample table: Person.BusinessEntityContact
businessentityid|personid|contacttypeid|rowguid                             |modifieddate           |
             292|     291|           11|7d4d2dbc-4a44-48f5-911d-a63abafd5120|2017-12-13 13:21:02.243|
             294|     293|           11|3ea25b65-9579-4260-977d-d6f00d7d20ee|2017-12-13 13:21:02.320|
             296|     295|           11|dadac1ff-3351-4827-9ae0-95004885c193|2017-12-13 13:21:02.383|
             298|     297|           11|b924f26f-6446-45d1-a92b-6f418374f075|2017-12-13 13:21:02.447|
             300|     299|           11|5ba4e7be-8d29-46a2-b68d-67b1615b124a|2017-12-13 13:21:02.510|
             302|     301|           11|6cc8f248-8d96-4afd-adcc-61d93e8de3b1|2017-12-13 13:21:02.570|
             304|     303|           11|33b4da81-4448-481f-bf7c-357ea4d23f21|2017-12-13 13:21:02.633|
             306|     305|           11|70d35526-7c2f-470f-98cb-f9299a754f16|2017-12-13 13:21:02.697|
             308|     307|           14|da33b75d-32fb-432d-a275-9e9d32e78f3e|2017-12-13 13:21:02.760|
             310|     309|           14|c2dee145-a902-477e-ab21-29659ac3e97e|2017-12-13 13:21:02.820|
             312|     311|           14|4020deae-56f6-47df-96c1-a01f3de2305c|2017-12-13 13:21:02.883|
             314|     313|           14|9ef858de-eaba-4a53-9b28-fc699d789957|2017-12-13 13:21:02.930|
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Sample table: Person.ContactType
contacttypeid|name                           |modifieddate           |
            1|Accounting Manager             |2008-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            2|Assistant Sales Agent          |2008-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            3|Assistant Sales Representative |2008-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            4|Coordinator Foreign Markets    |2008-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            5|Export Administrator           |2008-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            6|International Marketing Manager|2008-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            7|Marketing Assistant            |2008-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            8|Marketing Manager              |2008-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            9|Marketing Representative       |2008-04-30 00:00:00.000|
           10|Order Administrator            |2008-04-30 00:00:00.000|
           11|Owner                          |2008-04-30 00:00:00.000|
           12|Owner/Marketing Assistant      |2008-04-30 00:00:00.000|
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Sample table: Person.Person
businessentityid|persontype|namestyle|title|firstname               |middlename      |lastname              |suffix|emailpromotion|additionalcontactinfo|demographics|rowguid                             |modifieddate           |
               1|EM        |false    |     |Ken                     |J               |Sánchez               |      |             0|                     |[XML]       |92c4279f-1207-48a3-8448-4636514eb7e2|2009-01-07 00:00:00.000|
               2|EM        |false    |     |Terri                   |Lee             |Duffy                 |      |             1|                     |[XML]       |d8763459-8aa8-47cc-aff7-c9079af79033|2008-01-24 00:00:00.000|
               3|EM        |false    |     |Roberto                 |                |Tamburello            |      |             0|                     |[XML]       |e1a2555e-0828-434b-a33b-6f38136a37de|2007-11-04 00:00:00.000|
               4|EM        |false    |     |Rob                     |                |Walters               |      |             0|                     |[XML]       |f2d7ce06-38b3-4357-805b-f4b6b71c01ff|2007-11-28 00:00:00.000|
               5|EM        |false    |Ms.  |Gail                    |A               |Erickson              |      |             0|                     |[XML]       |f3a3f6b4-ae3b-430c-a754-9f2231ba6fef|2007-12-30 00:00:00.000|
               6|EM        |false    |Mr.  |Jossef                  |H               |Goldberg              |      |             0|                     |[XML]       |0dea28fd-effe-482a-afd3-b7e8f199d56f|2013-12-16 00:00:00.000|
               7|EM        |false    |     |Dylan                   |A               |Miller                |      |             2|                     |[XML]       |c45e8ab8-01be-4b76-b215-820c8368181a|2009-02-01 00:00:00.000|
               8|EM        |false    |     |Diane                   |L               |Margheim              |      |             0|                     |[XML]       |a948e590-4a56-45a9-bc9a-160a1cc9d990|2008-12-22 00:00:00.000|
               9|EM        |false    |     |Gigi                    |N               |Matthew               |      |             0|                     |[XML]       |5fc28c0e-6d36-4252-9846-05caa0b1f6c5|2009-01-09 00:00:00.000|
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Sample Solution:

-- Selecting BusinessEntityID, LastName, and FirstName from multiple tables based on specified conditions
SELECT pp.BusinessEntityID, LastName, FirstName
    -- Retrieving BusinessEntityID, LastName, and FirstName columns
    FROM Person.BusinessEntityContact AS pb 
        -- Joining Person.BusinessEntityContact with Person.ContactType based on ContactTypeID
        INNER JOIN Person.ContactType AS pc
            ON pc.ContactTypeID = pb.ContactTypeID
        -- Joining Person.BusinessEntityContact with Person.Person based on BusinessEntityID
        INNER JOIN Person.Person AS pp
            ON pp.BusinessEntityID = pb.PersonID
    -- Filtering the results to include only records where the ContactType Name is 'Purchasing Manager'
    WHERE pc.Name = 'Purchasing Manager'
    -- Sorting the results by LastName and FirstName
    ORDER BY LastName, FirstName;


  • The SELECT statement retrieves the BusinessEntityID, LastName, and FirstName columns from multiple tables.
  • pp.BusinessEntityID, LastName, FirstName: Specifies the columns to be retrieved.
  • The FROM clause specifies the source tables for the data, which are Person.BusinessEntityContact (aliased as pb) and Person.ContactType (aliased as pc).
  • The INNER JOIN clauses join the Person.BusinessEntityContact table with the Person.ContactType table based on the ContactTypeID column and with the Person.Person table based on the BusinessEntityID column.
  • The ON keyword is used to specify the join conditions.
  • The WHERE clause filters the rows to include only those where the ContactType Name is 'Purchasing Manager'.
  • pc.Name = 'Purchasing Manager': Filters the rows based on the Name column in the Person.ContactType table.
  • The ORDER BY clause sorts the results by LastName and FirstName in ascending order.
  • ORDER BY LastName, FirstName: Orders the results first by LastName and then by FirstName.

Sample Output:

businessentityid|lastname      |firstname  |
            1149|Alexander     |Mary       |
             363|Arakawa       |Hannah     |
             365|Arbelaez      |Kyley      |
             377|Ault          |John       |
             379|Avalos        |Robert     |
             389|Bailey        |James      |
             391|Baldwin       |Douglas    |
             399|Banks         |Darrell    |
             401|Barbariol     |Angela     |
             403|Barber        |David      |
             409|Barlow        |Brenda     |
             411|Barnhill      |Josh       |
             413|Barr          |Adam       |
             423|Bauer         |Ciro       |
             425|Beanston      |Glenna     |
             427|Beasley       |Shaun      |
             447|Ben-Sachar    |Ido        |

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