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Create a simple page layout with CSS


This slide presentation shows how to create a simple web page layout with CSS. Useful for when you have learned core CSS and looking to create a webpage with by your own.


Create a simple page layout with CSS

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<title>A simple CSS layout</title>

Save this as layout.html on Desktop.

To create a navigation with unordered list, add following within <body> and </body>

<li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="#">About</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Product</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Contact</a></li>

Add <style> and </style> after </title> and before </head>

Add following CSS code within <style> and </style>, don't write text after //, those are comments to help you understand what that code does. Follow this for all of the CSS code.

.navigation {
//removes bullets before list items
width: 100%;
//Sets the width of the navigation to full browser window
// sets margin of naviagtoin to zero
//sets padding of navigation to zero
//sets height of the navigation to 30 pixelbackground-color:
// sets the background color of the navigation
//sets the font style of the text within the navigation
//sets the size of the font of the text within the navigation

This creates a new class .navigation.

Now add navigation class to the ul

<ul class=”navigation”>

keep the remaining code unaltered. Save the file and run it on browser and see how it looks.

You may find some whitespace above the navigation.

Add following before the navigation class within <style> and </style>

margin: 0;
padding: 0;

This removes the any default margin or padding of the html page. Save the file, run the file and see the difference.

Add following after navigation class within <style> and </style>

.navigation li {
// to set style for list items within navigation class
//places list items next to each other
// sets height of the list items
//sets line height, i.e. Height of the text within list items

Save and run the file. See the difference.

Add following code after .navigation li block

.navigation li a {
// style for links within list items within navigation class
// links will be treated as blocks (like rectangles)
padding: 5px; //sets 5 pixel padding on all four sides of the links
//sets color of the text within links
// removes underline from the links

Save and run the file, see the difference.

Add following after .navigation li a block

.navigation li a:hover {
//for hover style, i.e. When you place your mouse on the links
// creates blocks
padding: 5px; //sets padding
//sets color on hover
// removes underline

Save and run the file, see the difference.

For creating page structure where you place your content, we create Grids. Grids and made up of rows and columns. We will see how to do that in a moment.

Add following code after .navigation li a:hover block

.row {
// creates a new class row
width: 100%;
//sets the width of the row to full browser window

Add follwing after .row block

.row:before, .row:after {
// this makes sure that if there are multiple rows they will not overlap
display: table;
content: "";

Save the code.

Add follwing within body after </ul>

<div class="row">

Save the code.

We will now create three columns within the row. First colum will be of width 25%, second column of 50% and third again of 25%. For that first add follwing code within <div class=”row”> and </div>.

<div class="col1">
<h1>This is column one</h1>
<div class="col2">
<h1>This is column two</h1>
<div class="col3">
<h1>This is column three</h1>

Save the code and run the file and see how it looks on browser.

Now, within <style> and </style>, after .row:before, .row:after block, add following

.col1 {
float: left;
width: 23%;
margin: 1%;
.col2 {
float: left;
width: 48%;
margin: 1%;
.col3 {
float: left;
width: 23%;
margin: 1%;

float: left places columns next to each other. Width defines the width of the columns and margin sets margin of the columns. Note how the width is calculated :

for first column: 23%(main width)+1%(margin left)+1%( margin right) = 25 for second column: 48%(main width)+1%( margin left)+1%( margin right) = 50 for second column: 23%(main width)+1%( margin left)+1%( margin right) = 25 Total width = 25%+50%+25% = 100% which is equal ot the width defined for row (i.e. 100%).

Save and run the file. See the difference.

We will now create a footer section for our webpage. Which will lie at the bottom of the page.

For that add following code after .col3 block and before </style>

.footer {
// creates a new class footer
clear: both;
//makes sure that no other content overlaps
position: absolute;
// position is exactly what we will define
height: 30px; // height of the footer is 30 pixel
// footer will be placed zero pixels from the bottom of the page
// sets background color of the footer
//sets width of the footer
color: #fff;
//sets color of the text written within the footer section
font-size: 100%;
//sets size of the font
padding: 1%;
//sets padding

Save the file.

Add following after last </div> and before </body>

<div class="footer">
<p>This is footer</p>

Save and run the file. See how it looks on browser. This is how you can create a simple webpage with HTML and CSS.

Try adding an image on col2 replacing the paragraph. And see how it looks.

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