
Scala Map: Sort by keys in ascending order

Write a Scala program to create a map and sort it by keys in ascending order.

Sample Solution:

Scala Code:

object SortMapByKeysExample {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    // Create a map
    var color_map = Map("Red" -> 1, "Green" -> 4, "Blue" -> 2, "Orange" -> 3)
    // Print the original map
    println("Original map: " + color_map)

    // Sort the map by keys in ascending order
    val sortedMap = color_map.toSeq.sortBy(_._1).toMap

    // Print the sorted map
    println("Sorted map by keys:")
    sortedMap.foreach { case (key, value) =>
      println(s"Key: $key, Value: $value")

Sample Output:

Original map: Map(Red -> 1, Green -> 4, Blue -> 2, Orange -> 3)
Sorted map by keys:
Key: Blue, Value: 2
Key: Green, Value: 4
Key: Orange, Value: 3
Key: Red, Value: 1


In the above exercise -

First, we create a map "color_map" using the Map constructor and provide key-value pairs.

In order to find the keys in the map with the minimum value, we follow these steps:

  • Find the minimum value in the map using the values.min method.
  • Apply the filter method to the map to filter key-value pairs with a value equal to the minimum.
  • Using the keys method, retrieve the keys from filtered key-value pairs.

Finally, we print the results using println, including the minimum valued keys.

Scala Code Editor :

Previous: Find keys with minimum value.
Next: Sort by values in ascending order.

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