
Scala Programming: Find maximum product of two integers in a given array of integers

Write a Scala program to find maximum product of two integers in a given array of integers.

nums = { 2, 3, 5, 7, -7, 5, 8, -5 }
Pair is (7, 8), Maximum Product: 56

Sample Solution:

Scala Code:

 object Scala_Array {

  def find_max_product(nums: Array[Int]): Unit = {
    var max_pair_product = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
		var max_i = -1
    var max_j = -1;

		for ( i<- 0 to nums.length - 1)
			for (j<- i + 1 to  nums.length - 1)
				if (max_pair_product < nums(i) * nums(j))
					max_pair_product = nums(i) * nums(j);
					max_i = i;
					max_j = j;

		println(s"\nPair is (${nums(max_i)} , ${nums(max_j)}), \nMaximum Product:  ${(nums(max_i)*nums(max_j))}");

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val nums = Array(2, 3, 5, 7, -7, 5, 8, -5 );
    println("Original array:")
    for (x <- nums) {
      print(s"${x}, ")

Sample Output:

Original array:
2, 3, 5, 7, -7, 5, 8, -5, 
Pair is (7 , 8), 
Maximum Product:  56

Scala Code Editor :

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Previous: Write a Scala program to find all pairs of elements in an array whose sum is equal to a specified number.
Next: Write a Scala program to rearrange a given array of unique elements such that every second element of the array is greater than its left and right elements.

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