
Rust Program: Calculate differences in Arrays

Write a Rust program that iterates over a vector of arrays [i32; 2] and calculates the difference between the first and second elements of each array.

Sample Solution:

Rust Code:

fn main() {
    // Define a vector of arrays
    let arrays = vec![[10, 20], [30, 20], [150, 60]];

    // Iterate over each array, calculate the difference between the first and second elements,
    // and collect the differences into a new vector
    let differences: Vec<i32> = arrays
        .iter() // Use iter() to borrow the vector
        .map(|arr| arr[0] - arr[1]) // Calculate the difference between the first and second elements
        .collect(); // Collect the differences into a new vector

    println!("Original arrays: {:?}", arrays);
    println!("Differences: {:?}", differences);


Original arrays: [[10, 20], [30, 20], [150, 60]]
Differences: [-10, 10, 90]


In the exercise above,

  • Start by defining a vector 'arrays' containing arrays of type [i32; 2].
  • Then, we use the "iter()" method to iterate over each array in the 'arrays' vector.
  • Within the "map()" function, we calculate the difference between the first and second elements of each array using array indexing (arr[0] and arr[1]).
  • The "map()" function returns an iterator over the calculated differences.
  • Finally, we collect these differences into a new vector of type 'Vec' using the "collect()" method.Print both the original vector of arrays and the vector containing the calculated differences using "println!()" statements.

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