Rust File Operations: Copy, Move, Delete with Error handling
Write a Rust program that performs multiple file operations (e.g., copy, move, delete) and handles errors at each step.
Sample Solution:
Rust Code:
use std::fs; // Import the fs module for file handling
use std::io; // Import the io module for file I/O operations
// Function to copy a file from source to destination
fn copy_file(source: &str, destination: &str) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
fs::copy(source, destination)?; // Copy the file from source to destination
Ok(()) // Return Ok if the operation completes successfully
// Function to move (rename) a file from source to destination
fn move_file(source: &str, destination: &str) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
fs::rename(source, destination)?; // Move the file from source to destination
Ok(()) // Return Ok if the operation completes successfully
// Function to delete a file
fn delete_file(file_path: &str) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
fs::remove_file(file_path)?; // Delete the file at the specified path
Ok(()) // Return Ok if the operation completes successfully
fn main() -> Result<(), io::Error> {
let source_file = "source_file.txt"; // Specify the path of the source file
let destination_file = "destination_file.txt"; // Specify the path of the destination file
fs::write(source_file, "Sample text")?; // Create the source file with sample content
println!("Copying file from {} to {}...", source_file, destination_file);
copy_file(source_file, destination_file)?; // Copy the source file to the destination
println!("Moving file from {} to {}...", source_file, destination_file);
move_file(source_file, destination_file)?; // Move the source file to the destination
println!("Deleting file {}...", destination_file);
delete_file(destination_file)?; // Delete the destination file
println!("File operations completed successfully.");
Ok(()) // Return Ok if the program completes successfully
Copying file from source_file.txt to destination_file.txt... Moving file from source_file.txt to destination_file.txt... Deleting file destination_file.txt... File operations completed successfully.
Here is a brief explanation of the above Rust code:
- Importing Modules:
- use std::fs: Imports the "fs" module from the standard library for file handling.
- use std::io: Imports the "io" module from the standard library for handling I/O operations.
- Function Definitions:
- copy_file: Function to copy a file from a source path to a destination path. It uses fs::copy to copy.
- move_file: Function to move (rename) a file from a source path to a destination path. It uses fs::rename to move.
- delete_file: Function to delete a file at the specified path. It uses fs::remove_file to delete the file.
- Main Function (main()):
- It starts by defining the paths of the source file (source_file) and the destination file ('destination_file').
- The source file is created with sample content using fs::write.
- It then calls the "copy_file()" function to copy the source file to the destination file, printing a message indicating the operation.
- Next, it calls the "move_file()" function to move (rename) the source file to the destination file, printing a message indicating the operation.
- Finally, it calls the "delete_file()" function to delete the destination file, printing a message indicating the operation.
- If any of the file operations encounter an error, it propagates the error up to the main function, which returns an error result.
- If all operations complete successfully, it prints a message indicating that the file operations were completed successfully and returns an Ok result.
Rust Code Editor:
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