
Rust Multi-Message Channel Communication

Write a Rust program that extends the previous program to send multiple messages through the channel and print them in the receiving thread.

Sample Solution:

Rust Code:

use std::thread;
use std::sync::mpsc;

const NUM_MESSAGES: usize = 5;

fn main() {
    // Create a channel for sending and receiving messages
    let (sender, receiver) = mpsc::channel();

    // Spawn a sender thread to send messages
    let sender_thread = thread::spawn(move || {
        // Send multiple messages through the channel
        for i in 0..NUM_MESSAGES {
            let message = format!("Message {}", i + 1);
            sender.send(message).expect("Failed to send message");

    // Spawn a receiver thread to receive and print messages
    let receiver_thread = thread::spawn(move || {
        // Receive and print multiple messages from the channel
        for _ in 0..NUM_MESSAGES {
            let received_message = receiver.recv().expect("Failed to receive message");
            println!("Received: {}", received_message);

    // Wait for the sender thread to finish
    sender_thread.join().expect("Sender thread panicked");

    // Wait for the receiver thread to finish
    receiver_thread.join().expect("Receiver thread panicked");


Received: Message 1
Received: Message 2
Received: Message 3
Received: Message 4
Received: Message 5


In the exercise above,

  • Channel Creation:
    • It creates a channel using "mpsc::channel()" from the "std::sync" module. This channel allows one-way communication between threads.
  • Sender Thread:
    • A new thread is spawned using "thread::spawn()". This thread sends multiple messages through the channel using a loop.
    • Each message is a string formatted as "Message {i+1}".
  • Receiver Thread:
    • Another thread is spawned to receive and print messages from the channel.
    • It also uses a loop to receive a fixed number of messages (defined by 'NUM_MESSAGES' constant).
    • Each received message is printed to the console.
  • Joining Threads:
    • After spawning the sender and receiver threads, the main thread waits for both threads to complete their execution using "join()" method.
    • This ensures that the program doesn't exit before both threads finish processing.
  • Execution:
    • When executed, the program will first spawn the sender and receiver threads concurrently.
    • The sender thread sends messages through the channel, and the receiver thread receives and prints them.
    • Finally, the main thread waits for both threads to finish before exiting.

Rust Code Editor:

Previous: Rust Thread Communication with Channels.
Next: Rust Multi-Sender, Single-Receiver Communication.

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