
Rust Greeting Program: Print Welcome Message with Your Name

Write a Rust program that defines a string variable name and assigns it your name. Print a greeting message using the name variable.

Sample Solution:

Rust Code:

fn main() {
    // Declare a string variable named 'name' and assign it your name
    let name: &str = "Hippolyte Yao";

    // Print a greeting message using the 'name' variable
    println!("Hello, {}! Welcome to Rust programming.", name);


Hello, Hippolyte Yao! Welcome to Rust programming.


Here's a brief explanation of the above Rust code:

  • 'fn main() { ... }': This is the program's entry point.
  • 'let name: &str = "John";': This line declares a string variable named 'name' and assigns it the value '"John"'. The '&str' type annotation specifies that 'name' is a string slice.
  • 'println!("Hello, {}! Welcome to Rust programming.", name);': This line prints a greeting message using the 'name' variable. The '{}' placeholder is replaced with the value of the 'name' variable.

Rust Code Editor:

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