Rust Program: Create vector of mixed items
Write a Rust program that creates a vector of items containing different types of items. Print each item in the vector.
Sample Solution:
Rust Code:
fn main() {
// Define a vector containing different types of items
let items: Vec<(&str, i32, char, bool)> = vec![("apple", 10, 'A', true), ("banana", 20, 'B', false)];
// Iterate over the vector and print each item
for (name, quantity, grade, available) in &items {
println!("Name: {}, Quantity: {}, Grade: {}, Available: {}", name, quantity, grade, available);
Name: apple, Quantity: 10, Grade: A, Available: true Name: banana, Quantity: 20, Grade: B, Available: false
Here is a brief explanation of the above Rust code:
- 'fn main() { ... }': This is the program's entry point.
- 'let items: Vec<(&str, i32, char, bool)> = vec![("apple", 10, 'A', true), ("banana", 20, 'B', false)];': This line defines a vector named 'items' containing tuples with different types of items. Each tuple consists of a string ('&str'), an integer ('i32'), a character ('char'), and a boolean ('bool').
- 'for (name, quantity, grade, available) in &items { ... }': This line iterates over the vector 'items' using a tuple pattern to destructure each tuple into its components ('name', 'quantity', 'grade', 'available'). It then prints each item's components using 'println!'.
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