
Rust Code: A Complete Guide to Syntax and Features

Rust Code: A Comprehensive Guide to Rust Programming

Rust is a powerful, statically typed language designed to be safe, concurrent, and fast. It ensures memory safety without needing a garbage collector and offers modern features like pattern matching, option types, and powerful concurrency tools. Writing Rust code requires understanding ownership, borrowing, and its unique memory management system, which differentiates it from other programming languages.

Basic Syntax in Rust

Rust has a clean, expressive syntax. Here are some fundamental elements:

1. Variables and Data Types

By default, variables in Rust are immutable. To make them mutable, use the mut keyword. Rust has a strong static typing system.


// Declare an immutable variable
let x = 10;

// Declare a mutable variable
let mut y = 20;

// Change the value of the mutable variable
y = 30;

println!("x: {}, y: {}", x, y); // Prints x: 10, y: 30


  • let binds a variable to a value.
  • mut makes the variable mutable.
  • Rust automatically infers the type of the variable, but you can specify it explicitly if needed.

2. Functions

Functions in Rust are defined with the fn keyword. Functions can return values or be void functions.


// Define a function that adds two integers
fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    a + b

// Call the function and print the result
let sum = add(5, 7);
println!("The sum is: {}", sum);  // Prints The sum is: 12


  • The fn keyword defines a function.
  • The function add takes two i32 arguments and returns an i32 value.
  • Rust uses the -> operator to specify the return type of a function.

3. Control Flow

Rust supports common control flow constructs such as if, else, loop, and match.

If-Else Example


// Define a number
let number = 10;

// If-Else condition
if number > 5 {
    println!("The number is greater than 5.");
} else {
    println!("The number is less than or equal to 5.");

Match Example (Pattern Matching)


// Define a variable
let value = 42;

// Use match for pattern matching
match value {
    1 => println!("One"),
    42 => println!("The answer to everything"),
    _ => println!("Other value"),


  • if and else are used for conditional execution.
  • match is a powerful feature in Rust for handling multiple possible values, similar to a switch statement in other languages.

4. Ownership, Borrowing, and Slicing

Rust’s memory model revolves around ownership and borrowing, which helps prevent memory errors such as null pointer dereferencing and data races.

Ownership Example


fn main() {
    // Ownership is moved from s1 to s2
    let s1 = String::from("Hello");
    let s2 = s1;  // Ownership of s1 is transferred to s2
    // println!("{}", s1); // Error: s1 is no longer valid
    println!("{}", s2); // Prints Hello

Borrowing Example


fn main() {
    let s = String::from("Hello");

    // Borrow s immutably
    let len = calculate_length(&s); // Pass a reference to s

    println!("Length: {}", len); // Prints Length: 5

fn calculate_length(s: &String) -> usize {
    s.len() // Access the length of the borrowed string


  • Ownership: When s1 is moved to s2, s1 is no longer valid, and you cannot use it.
  • Borrowing: By passing a reference (&s), we borrow s instead of transferring ownership, allowing it to be used later.

5. Structs and Enums

Rust allows defining custom data types using structs and enums.

Struct Example


// Define a struct
struct Person {
    name: String,
    age: u32,

fn main() {
    // Create an instance of the struct
    let person = Person {
        name: String::from("Alice"),
        age: 30,

    // Accessing struct fields
    println!("Name: {}, Age: {}", person.name, person.age); // Prints Name: Alice, Age: 30

Enum Example


// Define an enum
enum Direction {

fn move_player(direction: Direction) {
    match direction {
        Direction::Up => println!("Moving up!"),
        Direction::Down => println!("Moving down!"),
        Direction::Left => println!("Moving left!"),
        Direction::Right => println!("Moving right!"),

fn main() {
    let direction = Direction::Up;
    move_player(direction); // Prints Moving up!


  • Structs: Used to create custom data types with named fields.
  • Enums: Defines a type that can take on multiple variants, used often in pattern matching.

Advanced Features of Rust

    1. Error Handling
    Rust uses Result and Option types for error handling, which avoids exceptions and ensures handling errors explicitly.

    2. Concurrency
    Rust's ownership and borrowing rules ensure safe and efficient multi-threading.

    3. Cargo
    Cargo is Rust's build system and package manager, making it easy to handle dependencies, compile projects, and run tests.


Rust is a systems programming language designed for performance and safety. Its unique features, such as ownership, borrowing, and pattern matching, allow developers to write efficient, safe, and concurrent applications. With its growing ecosystem and strong tooling, Rust is an excellent choice for systems programming, web development, and more.

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