
Ruby Array Exercises: Iterate over the first n elements of a given array

Write a Ruby program to iterate over the first n elements of a given array.

Ruby Array Exercises: Iterate over the first n elements of a given array

Ruby Code:

arra1 = ['abcde', 'abdf', 'adeab', 'abdgse', 'bdefa', 'bacdef']
print "Original array:\n"
print arra1
arra2 = arra1.first(3)
print "\nFirst 3 elements:\n"
print arra2


Original array:
["abcde", "abdf", "adeab", "abdgse", "bdefa", "bacdef"]
First 3 elements:
["abcde", "abdf", "adeab"]


Flowchart: Iterate over the first n elements of a given array

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Previous: Write a Ruby program to iterate an array starting from the last element.
Next: Write a Ruby program to iterate over the first n elements of a given array.

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