Generate Pascal's Triangle with For loops in R
Write a R program to generate the Pascal's triangle up to a given number of rows using nested for loops.
Sample Solution :
R Programming Code :
# Define a function to generate Pascal's triangle up to a given number of rows
generate_pascals_triangle <- function(num_rows) {
# Initialize an empty list to store the triangle
pascals_triangle <- list()
# Iterate through rows
for (row in 1:num_rows) {
# Initialize a list to store the current row
current_row <- c()
# Iterate through columns in the current row
for (col in 1:row) {
# Calculate the value for the current cell using binomial coefficient formula
value <- choose(row - 1, col - 1)
# Append the value to the current row
current_row <- c(current_row, value)
# Append the current row to the Pascal's triangle list
pascals_triangle <- append(pascals_triangle, list(current_row))
# Define a function to print Pascal's triangle
print_pascals_triangle <- function(pascals_triangle) {
for (row in pascals_triangle) {
cat(row, "\n")
# Test the functions with an example input
num_rows <- 7
pascals_triangle <- generate_pascals_triangle(num_rows)
cat("Pascal's Triangle up to", as.character(num_rows), "rows:\n")
Pascal's Triangle up to 7 rows: 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 4 6 4 1 1 5 10 10 5 1 1 6 15 20 15 6 1
In the exercise above,
- generate_pascals_triangle function:
- This function generates Pascal's triangle up to a given number of rows.
- It takes one parameter 'num_rows', which represents the number of rows in the triangle.
- Inside the function, it initializes an empty list 'pascals_triangle' to store the triangle.
- It iterates through each row from 1 to 'num_rows'.
- For each row, it initializes an empty list 'current_row' to store the values of that row.
- It iterates through each column in the current row using another loop.
- For each cell in the current row, it calculates the value using the binomial coefficient formula (choose function) and appends it to 'current_row'.
- After completing the row, it appends 'current_row' to 'pascals_triangle'.
- Finally, it returns the generated Pascal's triangle.
- print_pascals_triangle function:
- This function is responsible for printing the Pascal's triangle neatly.
- It takes one parameter 'pascals_triangle', which is the Pascal's triangle generated by "generate_pascals_triangle()" function.
- It iterates through each row in 'pascals_triangle' and prints it.
- Test the functions:
- An example input num_rows is defined as 7.
- The generate_pascals_triangle function is called with num_rows to generate the Pascal's triangle.
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