Python Web Scraping: Scrap number of tweets of a given Twitter account
Write a Python program to scrap number of tweets of a given Twitter account.
Sample Solution:
Python Code:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
handle = input('Input your account name on Twitter: ')
ctr = int(input('Input number of tweets to scrape: '))
res=requests.get(''+ handle)
all_tweets = bs.find_all('div',{'class':'tweet'})
if all_tweets:
for tweet in all_tweets[:ctr]:
context = tweet.find('div',{'class':'context'}).text.replace("\n"," ").strip()
content = tweet.find('div',{'class':'content'})
header = content.find('div',{'class':'stream-item-header'})
user = header.find('a',{'class':'account-group js-account-group js-action-profile js-user-profile-link js-nav'}).text.replace("\n"," ").strip()
time = header.find('a',{'class':'tweet-timestamp js-permalink js-nav js-tooltip'}).find('span').text.replace("\n"," ").strip()
message = content.find('div',{'class':'js-tweet-text-container'}).text.replace("\n"," ").strip()
footer = content.find('div',{'class':'stream-item-footer'})
stat = footer.find('div',{'class':'ProfileTweet-actionCountList u-hiddenVisually'}).text.replace("\n"," ").strip()
if context:
print("List is empty/account name not found.")
Sample Output:
Input your account name on Twitter: @prasanta Input number of tweets to scrape: 2 Prasanta Kundu Retweeted WorkApps @WorkAppsInc 13 Nov 2017 A Dedicated Mobile App for your Sales Teams to keep All Product Knowledge handy. Works even when Offline!! Log on to to know more! 0 replies 3 retweets 2 likes Prasanta Kundu Retweeted MVS Murthy @mittispeaks 8 Nov 2017 This one is for all the #BFSI folks ... #HRManager #HRTech Help your sales team sell better. Complete #Product #Knowledge on a dedicated mobile app which works even in #offline mode. Know more @ 0 replies 2 retweets 0 likes

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