
Python Tkinter arrow Key game - Character movement example

Python Tkinter Events and Event Handling: Exercise-12 with Solution

Write a Python program to create a simple game using Tkinter where a character moves on arrow key presses. Implement event handling for left, right, up, and down arrow keys.

Sample Solution:

Python Code:

import tkinter as tk

# Constants for character size and movement step

class CharacterGame:
    def __init__(self, root):
        self.root = root
        self.root.title("Character Game")

        self.canvas = tk.Canvas(root, width=400, height=400, bg="white")

        # Create the character as a rectangle
        self.character = self.canvas.create_rectangle(
            190, 190, 210, 210, fill="blue"

        # Bind arrow key events to movement functions
        self.canvas.bind("<Left>", self.move_left)
        self.canvas.bind("<Right>", self.move_right)
        self.canvas.bind("<Up>", self.move_up)
        self.canvas.bind("<Down>", self.move_down)

        # Add focus to the canvas so that it can receive keyboard events

    def move_left(self, event):
        self.canvas.move(self.character, -MOVEMENT_STEP, 0)

    def move_right(self, event):
        self.canvas.move(self.character, MOVEMENT_STEP, 0)

    def move_up(self, event):
        self.canvas.move(self.character, 0, -MOVEMENT_STEP)

    def move_down(self, event):
        self.canvas.move(self.character, 0, MOVEMENT_STEP)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    root = tk.Tk()
    game = CharacterGame(root)


In the exercise above -

  • Import the "tkinter" library.
  • Define constants:
    • CHARACTER_SIZE = 20: This constant defines the size of the character (rectangle) in pixels.
    • MOVEMENT_STEP = 10: This constant defines the step size for each movement when an arrow key is pressed.
  • Create a class "CharacterGame" which encapsulates the entire game.
  • Initialize the game:
    • In the init method, the game initializes by creating the main window, setting its title, and creating a canvas widget for drawing the character.
    • self.root stores the main Tkinter window.
    • self.canvas is a canvas widget created within the main window where the character will be displayed.
    • self.character represents the character (a blue rectangle) drawn on the canvas.
  • Bind arrow key events to movement functions:
    • self.canvas.bind("<Left>", self.move_left): Binds the left arrow key event to the move_left method.
    • self.canvas.bind("<Right>", self.move_right): Binds the right arrow key event to the move_right method.
    • self.canvas.bind("<Up>", self.move_up): Binds the up arrow key event to the move_up method.
    • self.canvas.bind("<Down>", self.move_down): Binds the down arrow key event to the move_down method.
  • Add focus to the canvas:
    • self.canvas.focus_set(): This line ensures that the canvas receives keyboard focus, allowing it to respond to arrow key presses.
  • Define movement methods:
    • move_left, move_right, move_up, and move_down are methods that move the character within the canvas based on the arrow key pressed. They use the self.canvas.move method to change the character's position.
  • Create an instance of the CharacterGame class:
    • root = tk.Tk(): Creates the main Tkinter window.
    • game = CharacterGame(root): Creates an instance of the CharacterGame class, which initializes the game.
    • root.mainloop(): Starts the Tkinter main event loop, allowing the game to run and respond to user input.
  • Finally, start the Tkinter main loop with "root.mainloop()".


Tkinter: Character movement example. Part-1
Tkinter: Character movement example. Part-2


Flowchart: Character movement example.
Flowchart: Character movement example.

Python Code Editor:

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Next: Scale widget example.

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