
Create interactive tooltips in a Python Tkinter window

Python tkinter Basic: Exercise-17 with Solution

Write a Python GUI program to add tooltips to buttons and labels in a Tkinter window.

Sample Solution:

Python Code:

import tkinter as tk

# Function to show tooltips
def show_tooltip(event, tooltip_text):
    tooltip.geometry(f"+{event.x_parent + 10}+{event.y_parent + 10}")  # Adjust tooltip position

# Function to hide tooltips
def hide_tooltip(event):

# Create the main window
parent = tk.Tk()
parent.title("Tooltip Example")

# Create a button with a tooltip
button = tk.Button(parent, text="Button with Tooltip")
button.pack(padx=10, pady=10)
button.bind("<Enter>", lambda event, text="This is a button.": show_tooltip(event, text))
button.bind("<Leave>", hide_tooltip)

# Create a label with a tooltip
label = tk.Label(parent, text="Label with Tooltip")
label.pack(padx=10, pady=10)
label.bind("<Enter>", lambda event, text="This is a label.": show_tooltip(event, text))
label.bind("<Leave>", hide_tooltip)

# Create the tooltip window (hidden by default)
tooltip = tk.Toplevel(parent)
tooltip_label = tk.Label(tooltip, text="", background="lightyellow", relief="solid", borderwidth=1)

# Start the Tkinter event loop


In the exercise above -

  • We create a tooltip window (tooltip) using tk.Toplevel and initially hide it using tooltip.withdraw().
  • The "show_tooltip()" function is modified to position and display the tooltip window when the mouse enters the widget. We use tooltip.deiconify() to show the tooltip.
  • The "hide_tooltip()" function is used to hide the tooltip when the mouse leaves the widget by calling tooltip.withdraw().

Sample Output:

Tkinter: Create interactive tooltips in a Python Tkinter window. Part-1
Tkinter: Create interactive tooltips in a Python Tkinter window. Part-2
Tkinter: Create interactive tooltips in a Python Tkinter window. Part-3


Flowchart: Create interactive tooltips in a Python Tkinter window.

Python Code Editor:

Previous: Create a login form in Python with Tkinter.
Next: Create a Python GUI program to close a window.

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