
Python: Get a string made of the first 2 and the last 2 chars from a given a string

Python String: Exercise-3 with Solution

Write a Python program to get a string made of the first 2 and last 2 characters of a given string. If the string length is less than 2, return the empty string instead.

Python String Exercises: Get a string made of the first 2 and the last 2 chars from a given a string

Sample Solution:

Python Code:

# Define a function named string_both_ends that takes one argument, 'str'.
def string_both_ends(str):
    # Check if the length of the input string 'str' is less than 2 characters.
    if len(str) < 2:
        # If the string is shorter than 2 characters, return an empty string.
        return ''

    # If the string has at least 2 characters, concatenate the first two characters
    # and the last two characters of the input string and return the result.
    return str[0:2] + str[-2:]

# Call the string_both_ends function with different input strings and print the results.
print(string_both_ends('w3resource'))  # Output: 'w3ce'
print(string_both_ends('w3'))          # Output: 'w3w3'
print(string_both_ends('w'))           # Output: '' 

Sample Output:



Flowchart: Program to get a string made of the first 2 and the last 2 chars from a given a string

Python Code Editor:

Previous: Write a Python program to count the number of characters (character frequency) in a string.
Next: Write a Python program to get a string from a given string where all occurrences of its first char have been changed to '$', except the first char itself.

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